divendres, 28 de març del 2014

News:Transport police officer.

This surveillance footage shows a transit police officer in Philadelphia being attacked.
An unidentified man was removed from a train after threatening to shoot passengers.
Transport police officer - level 3Because of the man’s strange behaviour, transit police officer Ronald Jones confronted him, but he then pushed Jones to the ground, throwing punches and kicks.
The attacker was eventually restrained on the ground with help from some passers-by.
According to witnesses, the subject managed to get away from police and returned to the train, trying to grab a child, but was unable to do so.
More officers were then called to the scene and the subject was taken into custody. Officer Jones was unhurt by the confrontation.
Difficult words: surveillance (security), eventually (in the end), restrain (make stop moving), custody (prison).

Surveillance =  Seguretat, també és de vigilancia, perquè en el context vol dir "El video de vigilancia".

Eventually  = Finalment

Restrain = Detingut

Custody = La custodia, és a dir el càstig.

Witnesses= Testimonis

-What? A man threatened  shoot passengers on a train

-Who? a Threatened man.

-Where?  At Philadelphia.

-When? At 27-03-2014 07:00 

-How? With a gun. He pay the custody now.

In my opinion there are a lot of mad persons and this person was a mad. He tryed to grab a kid. In my opinion the man was a mad person who don't know the meaning of justice.


Tourist Interview Barcelona

-Where are you from?
-is it the first time that you are in Spanish?
-How did you come here? By plane, ship or train?
-Why are you in Barcelona?
-How long are you going to stay here?
-Are you travelling with familiy or friends?
-Whate have you visited up to now?
-Have you bought any presents?
-How do you get arrouned in the city, by underground, car,bus or on foot.
-Are you travelling with family or friends?
-What have you visited up to now?
-Have you bought any presents?
-How do you get around in the city, by underground, car, bus or on foot?
-Do you know any words in Catalan or Spanish?
-Have you tried any typical Spanish or Catalan food?
-Do you think Barcelona is expensive?
-Do you see any differences from you country?
-Is there anything you don't like?
-Would you recommended Barcelona to your family or friends?
-Will you come back again?