divendres, 19 de desembre del 2014

Technology is becoming "less intrusive"

The link of the news

Samsung offers a new gadget. The new gadget consists in a
watch. This watch is inteligent, it's not a corrient watch. This watch is connected with your phone bye blue bluetooth. You can communicate with yours contatcs.

I think is a good idea, it's more comfortable, becaues you have your phone in the wrist. I think this gadget it's not intrusive, it's the opposite of Overwhelm, it's useful for Glance. I think the watch is more Refined than the phone.

Intrusive: Entrometit
Overwhelm: Agobiant
Glance: Fer una ullada
Refined: Refinat
Wirsts: Canell

divendres, 12 de desembre del 2014

The Fashion Style Test

I think it's original this test but in some thing it's wrong. The last year I was insecurity but now I'm not insecure, beca use I learnt something and it's a simple thing but when I didn't understand it I was insecure. The thing is doesn't matter what the people think about you, only matter what your family say about you. I think this society it's very idiot, because if you are not fashion or thin you are a completely s**t. I can't believe, a big part of the society insult the diferent persons, they are diferent only physically, but they are the same persons.


I do this blog in Christmas, I will talk about Christmas and the unreasonably of this event. The majority of the world celebrate a event with his family. I think that's a bit stranger, because why in December and no in August, it's a bit strange. I think the familys are not in good relationship. I enjoy the time with my cousins, we only see in Chrsitmas. 
I will talk about the gifts, why buy a gift in Christmas and no in November, maybe it's a trap of the multinationals, why the same product in 30% rebates. I think is a abuse, because they play with the ilusions of the people for sell more.