dimarts, 28 d’octubre del 2014

Breaking bad

I liked this serie because talk about life, drugs, trying to surive and problems of family. My favourite character is Jessie Pinkman, before meet Walther White he was a drogadict, but finally he becomes brilliant solving problems. It's my favourite serie excluiding Game of Thrones. I don't wanna do spoiler, but it's amazing, especially in season  4 and 5. Because the plot becomes very incredible.

My reflexion is all we can become bad if the life want to do it. If we start the wrong way we can't go back. I learned something and it's you can't think what it's not true, because a lot of characters have bad secrets.

diumenge, 19 d’octubre del 2014

Bike is very important in my life

I ride my bike with my father and his friends on saturdays. I wake up at 8 oclock for dress up, then I go to Figueres and we meet with my father friends. We do fifty kilometers aproximately. I enjoy so much this time because it's a time for relax and be happy. This is very important because I can enjoy a nice free time, it's better than sleep. I discovered a lot of ways and a lot of landscapes. It's not bored because you do exercise. Now it's a fashion cycling and more persons are starting to ride.

divendres, 10 d’octubre del 2014

Rocky IV

Rocky IV

Rocky Balvoa  ( the champion of heavywheight of boxing) recupered his old tittle and his friend Apollo Creed fights against Iván Drago and Apollo died. Rocky was very sad and decides fight against Iván Drago.
They fight in Rusia and Rocky fights against him, the spectators starts hating Rocky but finally the spectators be with him. Rocky win but he finish bad.

I think it's a good movie for talk about the patriotism of USA, there are a lot of elements of patriotism. I think the government of USA paid the movie for break the think of USA is  a bad country, for seems better than it i.

Rebel Song


We've got fun 'n' games                                                      Nosaltres tenim jocs divertits
We got everything you want                                              Nosaltres tenim el que busques
Honey, we know the names                                             Carinyo nosaltres sabem els noms
We are the people that can find                         Nosaltres som les persones que pots buscar
Whatever you may need                                                      Pel que tu necessitis
If you got the money, honey                                               Si tu tens diners, carinyo 
We got your disease                                                    Nosaltres tenim la teva enfermetat


In the jungle                                                                   En la jungla 
Welcome to the jungle                                                  Benvingut a la jungla 
Watch it bring you to your                                              Mira t'ho portem de tu a tu
knees, knees                                                                 Genolls, genolls 
I wanna watch you bleed                                             Et vull veure sagnar 

Welcome to the jungle                                                 Benvingut a la jungla 
We take it day by day                                                 Nosaltres ho portem dia a dia 
If you want it you're gonna bleed                               Si tu ho busques sangraràs
But it's the price you pay                                       Pero es el preu que pagues 
And you're a very sexy girl                                    I tu ets una dona molt maca
That's very hard to please                                  Això és molt difícil de demanar-ho.
You can taste the bright lights                            Tu pots provar les llums brillants 
But you won't get them for free                          Pero no pots tenir-ho gratis
In the jungle                                                      En la jungla 
Welcome to the jungle                                   Benvingut a la jungla
Feel my, my, my serpentine                     Sent la meva,la meva, la meva serp
I, I wanna hear you scream                   Jo, Jo et vull sentir cridar 

Welcome to the jungle                             Benvingut a la jungla 
It gets worse here everyday                     Hi ha una cosa pitjor aqui cada dia    
Ya learn to live like an animal                   He après a viure com un animal
In the jungle where we play                     En la jungla es on juguem
If you got a hunger for what you see          Si tu tens ganes del que veus 
You'll take it eventually                             Ho agafes finalment
You can have anything you want               Tu pots tenir tot el que vulguis
But you better not take it from me            Pero millor que no  m'ho agafis a mi 


And when you're high you never                  I quan tu estàs a dalt mai
Ever want to come down, YEAH!                 busques d'anar abaix, SI                

You know where you are                      Tu saps on estas
You're in the jungle baby                    Tu estas en la jungla carinyo
You're gonna die                                Tu vas a morir 
In the jungle                                       En la jungla

Welcome to the jungle                                  Benvingut a la jungla 
Watch it bring you to your                        Mira t'ho portem de tu a tu
knees, knees                                                      Genolls, genolls 
I wanna watch you bleed                                   Et vull veure sagnar 

Feel my, my, my serpentine                Senta la meva, la meva, la meva serp
In the jungle                                      En la jungla 
Welcome to the jungle                          Benvingut a la jungla 
Watch it bring you to your                             Mira t'ho portem de tu a tu 
knees, knees                                             Genolls, Genolls 
In the jungle                                              En la jungla 
Welcome to the jungle                                Benvingut a la jungla 
Watch it bring you to your                           Mira t'ho portem de tu a tu 
It' gonna bring you down-HA!                      Això et farà anar abaix -HA!

Welcome to the jungle is a rebel song because talk about the drugs, the sexy girls who works for drugs. The song talk about the camels. This song talks about "tabu" topics. It's a reflection about the junky society.