dimarts, 31 de març del 2015

The lifetime of Earth

I chose this news because it's a scientific article. In this news the scientifics were studying the past because they will predict the lifetime of the Earth. I understood a lot of the past. The earth was a planet compounded by ice and asteroids 250 milions of years ago. The gases were harmful, but surely we live thanks to the change of atmosphere.

The scientits did a nice search, because it's not an easy job. They think the assasin phenomenon of the dinosaurs might was an asteroid who clobbered the crook  of Earth. The knowledge will be the key for predict the future.

clobbered: aplastar
surely: positivament
might: es possible que
harmful: nociu
knowledge: aprenentatge 

divendres, 20 de març del 2015

Tunisia museum News

The link of the news

The 19 of March of 2015 the terrorists did an asault, and the  catastrophe  end with 23 people dead. The rest of the civils they ran to the museum and they survived, but the fright and the laughs was terrible.

I unknow why the terrorism is begining to be popular in this century. I think the terrorism is the biggest problem of our society. The worst is the murder of innocent pepople, because kill tourists is the worst for the country, because now anyone will go to this country. 

involved: Interested in 
gunman: Persona armada
despite: Insult
citizens: Civils
sheltered: Resguardant-se dels tirotejos en aquest sentit. 

Correction of the letter

Street pescadors/1
Castelló d'empuries
13th March 2016

Apple Service
Los Angeles

To whom it may concern. I would like to work in your offices. I bought a Mac and was disappointed because it was a disappointment. Therefore I want to work there to upgrade all your products. First of all, the price is too hight to compete with the others brands. The computer was in bad conditions, not what they promised.

I have the advanced level, the computer degree and the batxillerat. Also, I have created a software and a web page. I'm looking forward to your prompt reply because I would like in your company. Microsoft asked me to work in his company but I prefer Apple. I am available to work in any place. 

Your faithfully,

Ali Garcia 

dissabte, 14 de març del 2015

Floyd Mayweather vs Manu Pacquiao

The link of the news

The most expensive fight in the history of boxing will perform in 2 of May. The fighters are Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao. The current champion Mayweather will defend his title of Champion middleweight. The Challenger is an asiatic challenger, it's the favourite of the viewers. The fighters will collect 250 millions of dollars, it's the biggest quantity of money of the history of boxing.

I think it's an interesting show, because  the fighters are the biggest now. My favourite is Manny Pacquiao because I think Mayweather is a bit conceited, because sometimes he shows his money and it's very sad to see.

Will perform: Es realitzarà
Middleweight: Categoria de 66 a 70kg de pes.
Challenger: Aspirant
Viewers : Espectadors
Collect: Guanyar diners