dijous, 14 de gener del 2016

Social media

I don't use a lot of social media because I'm not fond of the life of others. I just use Facebook to find what some celebryties are doing, for example the page of Mike Tyson. Nowadays the use of social media to investigate the private life of a celebrity is abusive.
I have owned a cell phone for one year and a half because I think it's better to have a good cell phone (to use it a lot of years) than a normal phone to change it every year.
I'm not proud of using social networking sites, I just use Facebook and I only created an acount because practically had an account. The affordances aren't very clear because everyone can investigate you and the profit is not useful. Wikipedia launched in 2001 and is the biggest tool ever created.

dimarts, 5 de gener del 2016

Review of a series

Sometimes you can find an excellent product, in my case I found the best anime of 2015, One Punch Man. Is the story about a hero, Saitama, this hero becomes the most powerful fighter and is bald for train too much. Some people can think it's bored this series but depend on what you are interested.  I don't like animes but I saw it on tv and I just felt the same feeling with dragon ball and it's my favorite cartoon series. The plot is very simple he defeats the enemies with One punch, and that's very original because it's the first series doing that.

dissabte, 2 de gener del 2016

The new year

I'm going to talk about the people who change his mentality when the New Year starts. My question is: Why you want to change your life style before, it's completely necessary this change in new year? I think it's not a good start because you must start as always before. Don't let for tomorrow what can you do today, start as always possible. Do whatever you want for free voluntary, not for the obligation of start something just because is New Year. There are a lot of differencies between do it because you want to change or because you are in a trend.