divendres, 21 de novembre del 2014

Surreal towns, shaped by nature

Surreal towns, shaped by nature 

Among the cave houses of Guadix, Spain
Did you know there are 9 towns 
with a shaped by nature, it means  there are an incredibles landscapes for live, are simples sites for live but there are amazing. The photographs seek for natural landscapes. Some people in Peru live in entire islands. In stockholm some persons live in a city with a lot of islands and the persones cross the city in rowboats.

Sometimes I'm exhausted living in a town because it's too bored , nothing happens. I will live in a big city, but sometimes I think sometimes is good disconnect from the cities but not for live always.

shaped (en forma de)
seek: (buscar)
entire: (completes)
rowboats: (barca de rems)

The link

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