divendres, 21 de novembre del 2014

The real story of the Little Red Hood

Once upon a time in New York, Big red ridding hood was smoking weed. Suddenly, her phone rang. It was costumer, her grandmother. She wanted some meth. She taked the truck, because she used to drive a car, but the detective wolf caught her with the car.
When she crossed the street, she spelling the wolf. He asked: What is she doing? She answered nothing. After that, she ran away and a pursuit starts. Big red ridding hood jumped off a bridge and the wolf stayed back. Suddenly when she meet the grandmother, the biggest distrbutor in the city. She gave the commision to her. But the wolf was with the SWATS and a gunfire started in the slum. After that, a lot of people were dead and a big explosion killed everyone.
Finally, Little Red Ridding hood past up because she had a nightmare. She was in a mad house. The madhouse anesthetized her because the wood cutter vaped her when the wolf was eating her grnadmother in front of her.

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