divendres, 27 de febrer del 2015

Opinion about Contact Sports

I talked about Research paper and I said you can have multiple lesions practicing a sport of contact, but you win a lot of security, strong and health. It's not necessary fight, you can train and know the techniques for defend yourself. I learnt a lot of in this year practicing this sports, but I learnt respect and security, when you train in sports like this you understand a lot about respect and autcontrol. I was a bit nervous before train this sport but now I accept the problems more optimist and more relaxed. It's a bit difficult understand this mentality but it's incredible when you train and you surpass your friends who train with you.

Research paper

I will talk about research paper, I presented a proposal about lesions in sports of contacts, for exemple MMA, muay thai, kick boxing, jiu jitsu,...
I will work a lot in this them, it's my favourite hobbie and I don't have a problem for expend a lot of hours investigating in this sports. I enjoyed a lot practicing this sports, but they make a risk in the healthy, because you can die or have multiple lesions in the brain, or in the legs or in the arms. It's a risk but if you really enjoy practicing this sport you have to assume it.

divendres, 13 de febrer del 2015

Game of thrones

I'm fond of in this book because it's my favourite. I enjoy this story for a lot of motives, but the principal is, the characters are not good or bad, they are misterious and the hide secrets and they are good with some characters and bad with others. I'm keen on this story too because they made a serie and I'm pending for the next season. I think the serie is incredible, because the actors and the ambientation are incredibles. My favourite character is Tyrion Lannister, is a good character and he is a master of lies, he play a nice paper, because he manipulate everyone who wants.

Friend Description

His name is Ali Mazghari, he is studying baccalurate and working in a bar. He is  brown-eyed, and thin, he is pale. He is an introverted person. Ali is fon of plyaing computer games. Alis haves a particular personality, he enjoys killing people. it's a bit cruel. He is a colded hearted specially when he finds strangers. He's not two-faced he is discreet. He hates liars. He's ill sometimes, becaues is diabetic. He is wearing a black pair of jeans and a grey sweeter. He wears a pair of black shoes. he is fatish face.

I think is a good friend. I knew Ali 11 years before. I didn't talk with him after 3rd Eso, we match playing videogames with another friend, then we made friends. I think his best quality is honesty, when he has a problem with you he says it. I think he's generous with his friends but not with strangers.

dissabte, 7 de febrer del 2015

GAP year

I will talk about GAP year, I'm keen on a GAP year because it's a good oportunity for a change, but one year it's a lot of time, maybe for summer it's a good idea, because you don't lose a year. It's not a lost year but better 2 months than 12. My favourite place to go is UK, I can learn a lot, another option can be Germany or USA, because are my favourite places to stay. Sometimes is better an adventure than the routine, because I hate when everything become monotonus. If I go I think I will be more mature.