divendres, 13 de febrer del 2015

Friend Description

His name is Ali Mazghari, he is studying baccalurate and working in a bar. He is  brown-eyed, and thin, he is pale. He is an introverted person. Ali is fon of plyaing computer games. Alis haves a particular personality, he enjoys killing people. it's a bit cruel. He is a colded hearted specially when he finds strangers. He's not two-faced he is discreet. He hates liars. He's ill sometimes, becaues is diabetic. He is wearing a black pair of jeans and a grey sweeter. He wears a pair of black shoes. he is fatish face.

I think is a good friend. I knew Ali 11 years before. I didn't talk with him after 3rd Eso, we match playing videogames with another friend, then we made friends. I think his best quality is honesty, when he has a problem with you he says it. I think he's generous with his friends but not with strangers.

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