dijous, 26 de novembre del 2015

Black friday

The link of the news 

Black fraiday it's an special day when you can find everything reduced an 80%. A lot of news talks about this day because it reflects the society, we are expending money unnecessarily for buy products with a low price. The capitalism is present on our world and we will spend the maximum of money on unnecesary things.

I will talk about my opinion, it's the perfect day for buy what you need but don't expend more money on what you don't need because this object will be on your attic for a lot of years becaues you don't really need it. Some companies do an scam increasing their prices a 20% a week before black friday and they reduce their prices a 15% before black friday and I think they deserve the ruin for do that.

scam: (timo)
dementia: ( demència)
deprivation: (privació)
burial: (entierro)
grabbed: (agafar)

Mutant Mosquitoes resists malaria

the link of the news 

Scientists designed a new hope for fight Malaria, it's not the final medicine but they thought about reduct the number of mosquitoes for stop the growing. They designed a new mosquitoes created for resist Malaria. It's a way to reduce the number of victims, because half a million of persons die for Malaria every year.

I think it's a great idea because Malaria can be reduced drastically if this mosquitoes invade the mosquitoes with malaria and wipe out him. I think it's a good action of developed countries becaues they are expending money on a research for this problem.

bred: (reproduir-se)
mosquitoes: ( mosquits)
offspring: (fills)
pivotal: (crucial)
promising: (prometedor)

The Security front liberty

When we can say security is more important than liberty? I think it's very subjective this theme that's why I'm going to talk about it. In my case I prefer security than privacity because we are weak against an attack of terrorists. In my opinion the measures of France are totally understandable becaues our liberty is a small price for be safe. In a strict way we are winning liberty becaues we are not arrested to the fear of be attacked. Some civils are manifesting their opinion and they say that's a crime but for example the match of Barça vs Real Madrid, a lot of policemans were around the stadium for protect the civils because if we are frightened to an attack they win.

Slef Avaluation of oral presentation

I think I have to improve my fluency when I'm talking in public. I don't was nervous but it's an oral presentation in english and you can make mistakes, for example I said 16 fps and i had to say 60...
 But I enjoyed making this presentation beause I'm fond of in videogames and it's great find information but the problem is when you have to explain this in public and you don't have an excellent domain of the idiom. What I did well? I think was good in all the aspects but not excellent so I can't say what I did very good. What I did bad? I think I took an interesting theme just for a sector of the class but the other sector who don't play videogames was a bit bored.
In conclusion I must improve explaining the information for make it a bit more interesting.

dijous, 19 de novembre del 2015

Attack on Brussels

the link of the news 

In Brussels the plan alert is on. The autorities thinks they can suffer a terrorism attack. The public places are closed. The terrorists will atack Belgium because there are a lot of soldiers in Siria. They are waiting for an attack and they deployed troops and militar cars on the middle of the street.

I think this measures are totally necessaries for protect the civilians, it's the price of security you must change your liberty. The attack on France changed the mentality of the world because the terrorism of Yihad exists and it must be eradictaed because they are killing persons in name of a god...

suffer (sufrir)
primarily (principalment)
whereabouts (on)
deployed (desplegat)

diumenge, 15 de novembre del 2015

My opinion about art

First of all, I don't know anything about art and how can be too much expensive.

I will talk about the most expensive painting of 2014. This painting has sold for 87 million of dollars. HOW? I can't understand it, how can they pay 87 millions for this. I can't understand paint is difficult but really, why are you paying this money for conceptual art, of course I don't know anything about art but why that money you can live the rest of your live very rich. It's a painting of 1969 and it's composed of 4 colors, that's the only what can I see. It don't represents anything for me, maybe it's because I think art is overrated.

diumenge, 1 de novembre del 2015

YouTube gaming star PewDiePie earned $7m in 2014'

Link of the news:

PewDiePie wins money making videos on youtube for amuse the audience. He won 7 million dollars in 2014. His way to win money consists of earning money  making videos with ads and advertising of videogames companies. The analists says it's not easy live making videos on youtube because only 1% of channels can do it.

I think PewDiePie deserves 40 millions of subscribers because his work is the most labored, you can see his comentaries and his level of edition, but of course depends on your luck too. A lot of people criticidez his life, he wins more money than a firefighter or a doctor and it's true but he had the same oportunities than the rest and he triumphed, everyone starts with 0 subscribers. Of course a Doctor or a firefighter are more important, but we can't reproach his success because it's free entertainment and he is the number one with his effort.

amuse : divertir
labored : treballós
reproach : retreure