dijous, 26 de novembre del 2015

Black friday

The link of the news 

Black fraiday it's an special day when you can find everything reduced an 80%. A lot of news talks about this day because it reflects the society, we are expending money unnecessarily for buy products with a low price. The capitalism is present on our world and we will spend the maximum of money on unnecesary things.

I will talk about my opinion, it's the perfect day for buy what you need but don't expend more money on what you don't need because this object will be on your attic for a lot of years becaues you don't really need it. Some companies do an scam increasing their prices a 20% a week before black friday and they reduce their prices a 15% before black friday and I think they deserve the ruin for do that.

scam: (timo)
dementia: ( demència)
deprivation: (privació)
burial: (entierro)
grabbed: (agafar)

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