dijous, 26 de novembre del 2015

Slef Avaluation of oral presentation

I think I have to improve my fluency when I'm talking in public. I don't was nervous but it's an oral presentation in english and you can make mistakes, for example I said 16 fps and i had to say 60...
 But I enjoyed making this presentation beause I'm fond of in videogames and it's great find information but the problem is when you have to explain this in public and you don't have an excellent domain of the idiom. What I did well? I think was good in all the aspects but not excellent so I can't say what I did very good. What I did bad? I think I took an interesting theme just for a sector of the class but the other sector who don't play videogames was a bit bored.
In conclusion I must improve explaining the information for make it a bit more interesting.

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