dijous, 22 d’octubre del 2015

Is humor necessary?

What is humor? Humor in our society is an easy way to disconnect from problems. Some wise man think laughter is good for our health, because laguther triggers the realease of endorphins ( the body's natural feel-good chemical).

In my opinion, we must change the conception of humor. Some persons don't know the significate of humor and they don't accept all the types of humor and I'm going to explain why humor should be set for the individuals against society. Black humor is a type of humor which consists of telling a joke laughing about a collective and that's acceptable, the limit of humor can't be set for the society it must be the limit of the person who tells the joke, and why I think humor is bad in some situations is because it can be offensive if the collective don't understand the joke.

In conclusion, I think we have to open our minds because we should accept jokes if they don't hide racist ideas. My opinion about hipocritical people who laugh a lot when someone tells a joke of a religion but when it's a joke of their religion they become angry, that's an example of people who must change their mentality.

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