dilluns, 8 de febrer del 2016

Self avaluation of the oral presentation

I saw my presentation and I have to recognize the fail. Sincerely if I see this presentation presented for another person I would be bored. Without a doubt, the worst was the presentation. I could make it better with images because it's a graphic presentation and I did it too much simple. But when I did the oral presentation in catalan they said me: "Don't put unpleasant images". The pronunciation was regular, of course I could improve it but it's not too bad. I think I studied the presentation well but I read some parts because I didn't use some words before and I had to use it.

The best of my presentation was the duration 8 minutes, I cut some parts of my oral presentation in catalan but I explained everything in this time. Maybe I should explain more some tactics because in my research paper I explained it but in the presentation I didn't so it was my fault for don't explain it.

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