dijous, 17 de març del 2016

Correction of writing

First of all, I have to say I thought so many times about this. Nowadays I think my soulmate should be smart, funny and I have to find her attractive. In my opinion it has to be 40% the body and the 60% the mentality. It's not necessary to be very beautiful, but of course I have to be interested in her. I'm not fond of money, finding my soulmate is not necessary to find happnines. Myabe you find your soulmate when you like her flaws. My opinion about people who is with someone who don't loves for some reason, money or convenient, are wasting their lifes and they are losing the time. You just will find unhappines if you are with someone just for his position.

dissabte, 12 de març del 2016

Artificial intelligence: Google's AlphaGo beats Go master Lee Se-dol

the link of the news

This news talk about the victory of a Computer against the champion of a Chinese game called Go. This game is more difficult than chess because the number of plays is infinite. In 1997 a computer won the world champion of chess but now this computer has won against the champion of the hardest game of the world.

I think it's incredible this news because we are improving a lot. Nowadays practically we live bound to the technlogy. We should be thankful to this because our lifes are becoming more easy. My opinion about this news is good, we can make something good with this artificial intelligence.

confident: segur
surrounding: envoltar
teasing: provocació
despite: encara que
pattern: enganzar

Doctors weigh in on dangers of Wi-Fi signal exposure

Wi-Fi can be dangerous for our health, that's the thesis of the news. I'm fond of with the opinion of the Doctors, we should reduce the use of the phone and when we don't use it we must disable the Wi-Fi connection. I thnik can be dangerous but always happens the same we won't change our habits unless we die in a few weeks, because our determination is weak . The first step to reduce our use with Wi-Fi can't be radical because it won't be stable and we will fall again. We can't be obsesive trying to change everything on our life but we can try to change the most possible.

The link of the news 

infertility (infertilitat)
handheld (de mà)
lead ( plom)
committed (compromès)

How can everyone get fair access to the law?

The summary of this news is the next: Can we change the law to make it more just? Maybe changing some things people can change their mentalities and become better. In this news they talk about the injustice of Uganda and the corruption in some countries. They propose some measures to the governments from local places.

In my opinions is always the same, people tries to make this world more just but who can change it don't want because it can harm who have the control in some countries. Maybe if we work like Switzerland probably we will live better.

approach: aproximar-se
lack: escàs
wealthier: ric
rife: extens
trustworthy: confiable

The overvalue of some things

I'm exhausted of hear people groaning always because they say some things are overvalue and the hype is fake. They are too much subjective, don't blame on the taste of the others. For example I read comentaries saying this series is bad, first of all why are you watching a series that you don't like? Don't waste your time and the time of the others disturbing on something that you hate. On the second place you are annoying people who tries to watch it. This problem is present on all the series. For example when I see Narcos (the life-series of Pablo Escobar) some people loves it and others say it's horrible.

dijous, 10 de març del 2016

Why we change our old things for new things?

In our society the idea of save old things (of course they need to be in a good condition, they don't hace to be broken) it's not common because every day we are manipulated for a society full of prejudices. Why we have to quench our wish to have the best and the newest? Simply because we  are happy, living with that philosophy. We should change our vision about what we have because when we see a video about the third world we'll be more thankful. It's not about money it's about our mentality because some rich people tries to make this world better trying to contribute on benefical causes.

Trip diary

The first day we woke up at 2 oclock to go to Barcelona and take the airplane to be in London at 9. We went to the hotel and then we took the metro for visit some interesting places like Buckingham palace or Westminster abbey. It was an exhaustive day. I thought about this day and the worst part was the airplane. I hate ryanair because there are toy planes. It's the cheaper company but I prefered to pay more money to go in a normal company. When we land on United Kingdom we felt the cold air and I thought omg why I came hear, but when we were on the hotel at night I thought it was cool.

The second day we wake up at 8 oclock. I didn't expect we could eat on a self-service and I used it to eat a lot because was better than expend money in expensive restaurants. After breakfast we go to Globe theatre and the Tower Bridge. In our free time we visited the other part of the bridge. Afternoon we visited some museums, my favorite museum was the natural history museum. We didn't go to Harrods and I want to go because my father said to me: Buy chocolate there because it's the best I ever ate. I really want to go to Harrods. When we arrived to the hostal we played pool.

The third day was one of my favourites because we visited the Notting Hill market. I ate on an incredible ambullant fast food stall. This market was cheap comparing with what saw in London center. I'm fond of this places because there are shops and ambulant fast food stall, nothing to compare with ambullant markets in Spain. We did to Camden Town and we had more free time to visist places. We go to the M&M shop and was very expensive. We returned to hostal and we played pool.

The last day was unttaped because we don't used this day for visit our favourites places. I want to visit again Notting Hill market, because I thought it was the better palce I visited in our stancy in London, but we went to Manchester's stadium and I thought: Why we came hear if we have a similiar stadium in Barcelona? In fact in my opinion we lost one day to visit new places or our favourites. My favourite part of the day was the launch time beacuse we ate on a good restaurant, I was exhausted from eating in McDonalds. When we arrive at Castello I was happy because I expend the next day resting.

dilluns, 7 de març del 2016

My opinión about the travel to london

The travel of London was amazing. I enjoyed a lot the 4 days because my favourite passion is travel. Honestly it  was expensive just for 4 days but it's obligatory. London nowadays is one of my favourite places on the world. I visited the most interesting places, In my opinion the best days were the day of the visit to the Globe Theatre and Notting Hill market (the best in my opinion). Notting Hill surprised me incredibly because I imagined it as a seedy market but it was amazing, just the only  good odor from the food stalls make changes on your mind.