dissabte, 12 de març del 2016

Doctors weigh in on dangers of Wi-Fi signal exposure

Wi-Fi can be dangerous for our health, that's the thesis of the news. I'm fond of with the opinion of the Doctors, we should reduce the use of the phone and when we don't use it we must disable the Wi-Fi connection. I thnik can be dangerous but always happens the same we won't change our habits unless we die in a few weeks, because our determination is weak . The first step to reduce our use with Wi-Fi can't be radical because it won't be stable and we will fall again. We can't be obsesive trying to change everything on our life but we can try to change the most possible.

The link of the news 

infertility (infertilitat)
handheld (de mà)
lead ( plom)
committed (compromès)

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