divendres, 1 d’abril del 2016

Extra blog 1

My objective is going to be make 3 extra blogs every day for have a good mark on the third term. This blogs will consists of making 1 about my day, 1 commenting a news and 1 talking about a movie or a videogame. I'll try to have a 9 or a 10.

Today I did to the school and was bored like always but I missed an hour because I went to the doctor. When I arribe at home I started playing my favourite franchise of videogames, Uncharted, because Uncharted 4 will be available on 12 of May. At 7 I went to the gym and I trained 2 hours, 1 spartan circuit ( very exhausted but with very good results) and Box practice. Afterall I played again videogames but before going to sleep I continue reading Game of Thrones.

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