divendres, 5 de juny del 2015

Crossrail: The monster tunnelling under London streets

The link of the news

The technology continues impressing us. I choose this news because this engineering work suprised me. This web of tunnels is going to travel arround the city very fast. This mechanism will be the biggest  engineering schemes of the world, the London's public transport project Crossrail. This project begins in May 2012, three years after continues digging out. When they dig out they discovered reamins of people from century 14 th.

I think this project will revolutionize the public transport. I unknow how the engineering workers work painstakingly for realise this wonder, because I imagine this project is very expensive and hard to connect all the points of London.

crowded ( ple de gent)
tangled ( enredar)
tapestry ( tapiz)
sewers ( clavegueres)
painstakingly ( meticulosament)
beneath ( sota de )
breakthrough ( avanç)
digging out(excavar)

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