dijous, 4 de juny del 2015

Evaluation of oral presentation

First of all I will talk about my fails. My pronuncation is bad and I readed too much, because when I saw the video I understood my fails easily. I read practically every moment. I need to study more before do a presentation. I think the best was the content because anyone knows about the deep web. I think, I explained well the content with a lot of details and examples.

Do you know how many type of hackers there are?

Do you know Who is Linus Torvalds and his attribution to the free software?
-Tecnic developer of high level. for example Linus Torvalds, is a brilliant scientific who created a free software, an alternative for Windows and Ios. This genius created an operating system for a community without economic interest, today the community investigate in this software for make better the programme. Android (the most important operative system) runs with Linux. Others webs use this server too for run, for example when you connect on Facebook you are redirecting to Linux server.

-Cybercriminals: There are criminals who create malicious programmes and  attack legal webs. Sometimes cybercriminals make atacks for annoy people, for example the famous atack to the celebrities, the cybercriminals attacked their information and they published.
Kim Doctom created Megaupload ( the most famous web for download content). In 19 of January of 2012 the FBI closed this web for copyright infringement. Anonymous group atacked FBI giving personal information of his agents to public acces.

Do you know the most polemic attack of the history?

The most important attack is made by Milworm ( an institution of the most brilliant hackers), they hacked a nuclear central in India in 1998. The governments decided change the security since this event

What are crakers?

-There are a type of Cybercriminals, they steal money from credit cards and they create virus.

When was the word hack born?

-The word of hack born in Massachusets  in 1969 when a group of students started to send innocent jokes to his friends.

Do you know Who is Linus Torvalds and his attribution to the free software?

Famous atacks

Kim Doctom created Megaupload ( the most famous web for download content). In 19 of January of 2012 the FBI closed this web for copyright infringement. Anonymous group atacked FBI giving personal information of his agents to public acces.

-Do you know the worst place on Internet?
Now I have to talk about the worst place on Internet. The deep web born in 1993 when the government created a place to store information. The deep web Is a place where you can find information, in this place we can find a lot of information, more than the superficial web . But why anyone knows this place? Because we can’t log in with a normal searcher. How you can come in this web? You need programmes. I will talk about Tor, is a protector programme, if someone tracks your IP, he can’t know where are you frome, for exemple I’m from Girona, this programme will protect me giving as track another place.

It’s a polemic theme because you can find  whatever you want… It’s very difficult trick someone because this web uses servers .onion not .com, only a brilliant hacker can trick an IP from servers onion. It’s not illegal find information (not everything is bad on this web, for exemple this photo, someone is manifesting his opinions). In the deep web there’s a secret place known as Mariannas web, it’s a place where they are the secrets of governments, future plans of war.

In conclusion, this is a place where we can see the human mentality, in this place we can find the worst of our society. I think it’s a place where we can find a lot of useful information but the majority are ilegal places.

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