dijous, 21 d’abril del 2016

Correction of Writing: "Do you prefer living next to university or not"

It's better to live next to the university, it doesn't matters if it's at home or on the campus. But if someone has to live next to the campus probably it will be next to the campus just for have autonomy on his life. People who lives far from the university will be rent a flat beacuse it's better than go on a bus or a train everyday because it burns a lot. And when you are not comfortable on the university you will give up your studies. The university is an age to pass your adolescense and become a man or a woman. But another point to see it's the expensive enrolment which decides if you can live on a flat at the university or live at your partners home.

"There is No Time Left"

the link of the news

This news talks about the climate change on our world.  The writer explains differents issues, an example are of them are:  the rising temperatures are melting the north and south poles, the rising temperatures on the extrem weathers, the trouble to farm and obtain foodstuff. Human rights doesn't defend poor people because they are ignoring them. The author writes complains to the government of Ethiopia, Turkana and Kenya. He explains the methodology to change it.

I'll give my opinion about this topic. Always is the same, people complains about a global issue and they can't do anything to change this problems. Becuase normal people can't face big multinationals and governs to change this inequality. Because soon or late it will be our problem too.

among: entre
Throughout: durant
sources: causes

dijous, 14 d’abril del 2016

Relationships: "Would you forgive your partner if they cheated on you?"

Would you forgive your partner if they cheated on you?

First of all I can't imagine myself in a situation like this because before I would have spoken with her. What I would say is: "Before we cheat us, we have to break and we have to understand it". Of course if I don't feel anything for my girlfriend I'll break up and on the contrary I hope she'll break up with me because we don't have to hurt each other, it's simply just breaking and finding another person who loves you.  I think it's better the truth than a lie for my benefit. 
I will forgive her as a person because It's something normal the attraction on other persons but I won't forgive her because she deceived me from the beginning. Another reason that I'm not going to forgive my girlfriend is because I can't trust on her again. I imagine a situation: My partner cheated me before and I forgive her but now she is late and I don't know where she is, I don't wanna think that...

The link of the news

In my opinion we shouldn't marry because you are obligated to stay with that person the rest of your life, if you don't divorce. You shouldn't be obligated to stay with someone... Because if you don't love him or her you are on a trouble. I think people can stay with someone without being married. In case you find your soulmate (very difficult task) you won't find her the only attractive woman.

dilluns, 11 d’abril del 2016

Yahoo: Why would Daily Mail or anyone else buy net firm?

the link of the news

This news talks about if it's worth buy Yahoo or not. The author of this news says it is because nowadays it continues making money and it's the second searched more used.

If I have the money to buy an old company like yahoo I wouldn't buy it because now it's not worth. Maybe a few years before I could do it but now it's impossible. Comparing yahoo with Google it doesn't have anything to do.  I can't understand how rich people can expend millions and put in risk his money to make more, of course their intention it's don't lose it but risk thousands of millions for more... Maybe that's why I'm not rich, I think a lot of people can't do it, only rich people wich are not afraid of lose everything.

shutting (tencar)

coverage  (cobertura)

revenues ( ingresos públics)

My opinion about Call of Duty

I'm going to talk about Call of duty franchise. There are a lot succesful games of this company but I think there are overrated because always are the same game just changing the title. I played the new videogames but there are not special. While I was playing I don't was bored but I prefer playing other games. A few days after I played the old Call of Dutys and they were better on all the aspects not only in amusement, the old games give you a better feeling, now it seems they want to make money at all costs. Yesterday I saw the new Call of Duty and I think it can be interesting but only for one reason. Call of Duty Infinite Warfare will hace Call of Duty Modern Warfare 4 ( in my opinion the best videogame on playstation 3). Why I buy this new videogame if I'm interesed on the remasteritation, simply, because the only way to obtain it is buying the new for 100€.

diumenge, 10 d’abril del 2016

Extra Blog 30

 I'm going to make a review of Rust. It's a massive multiplayer videogame where you built your own weapons and shelters. This game has a lot of people who tries to kill everyone and destroy the houses of the others. You must protect yourself before disconnect because they can kill you when you are offline. This game supposed a revolution on the industry because it started another games like Ark Survival (a game where you have to survive from people and dinosaurs) or H1Z1 ( a survival of zombies) and all of them were success.

Extra Blog 29

The link of the news

First of all when I saw this video I thought it was fake but on the left there's a video where the biker shows why this red car is chasing him. I don't know why mad people has driving license. The driver of the red car could have made a mistake the biker would be dead. The chasing started because the driver of the red car was very close from the biker and him touched his rearview and the guy of the red car became mad and he starts to make dangerous movings on the road to cach him.

Extra Blog 28

Today I have spent some hours  studying recovery of maths. I think I can pass this exam. After the launch time I played at playstation, I have to finish a game because I'm going to buy another one. It's a childhood idea but my favourite game is going to be available on 12 of April so I'm decided to buy it just because it's an exception. I supose today I'll go to dinner on a chinese restaurant or something like that because my fahers go to eat with their friends and I go to eat with my brother.

dissabte, 9 d’abril del 2016

Extra Blog 27

the link of the news 

This world is going to be destroyed for a mad dictator or something like this. They are testing a new missile, they are wasting their time making a new way to kill people instead of trying to solute their problems and open their mentality for their country. I don't know how live people from North Corea but I think it's veyr hard because you don't have freedom of speech or any other things you just live and do what the militaries say and you can't reproach it. They have under controll all the rebellions because they have installed cameras everywhere.

Extra Blog 26

One of my favourites games of playstation 4 is The Last of us. This game consists of two survivors who try to survive an apocalypse. Their names are Joel and Ellie, Joel is a survivor without scruples and Ellie is the cure of humanity because the world is full of mutants. After a lot of adventures finally they go to an hospital where Ellie is going to die for give the cure but Joel ends the only hope of the humanity. This game won the award of best game of 2015, in my opinion it deserves.

Extra Blog 25

Today I helped my father cleaning the garden, sweeping the garage, cutting the grass and picking up my room, all this job took me 3 hours. At 5 oclock I run to Empuriabrava for train and then buy a Kebab to snack. After 2 hours of Boxing I arrive at home and then I went with my family to dinner on a chinese restaurant. When I came home I played videogames with my friends on the computer. I prefer take this day with relax for study tomorrow maths, I go to sleep soon for take advantage of the morning.

divendres, 8 d’abril del 2016

Extra Blog 24

My review is going to be about Dragon Ball Super. This new series of Dragon Ball had the impression of be like his predecessor, Dragon Ball Z because Akira toriyama hasn't created Dragon Ball GT. When I saw the 30 chapters I had enough for understand the new roll of this series. They will obtain money with a legendary series of the past. The animations are really poor, the story is too much simple, the lack of humor is present on all the serie. I think it can't be difficult give what public wants, but of course they have to try to obtain profit with old feelings.

Extra Blog 23

the link of the news

Some people is too much retard, they should be under watchfulness because risk your life for this nonsense I can't understand it. He deserves a huge fine for make losing the times of the rescuers, because they had to save him with an helicopter. Afterall his girlfriend said yes, I can't understand why he said yes because a person who does this has a serious problem because there are other ways and much better, you don't win anything risking your life for this. The worst is the climb of Morro Rock is banned and he did it like nothing was wrong.

ExtraBlog 22

Today I have arrived late at class again so I stayed on the expelled room for fourty minutes. After this hour I came at class for two hours of guard. At last hour I did the exam of "Bearn o la sala de les nines", it wasn't difficult. When I came home I played videogames and I started studying a bit recovery of maths. Before I go to sleep  I'll see a movie I always heasitate when I have to choose to do something on fridays night. But finally I decide to see the first movie of the Lord of the Rings.

dijous, 7 d’abril del 2016

Extra blog 21

the link of the news

I talked about this news a few days ago but I have to insist in this theme giving my opinion. Always happens the same when they call to account the accused, they say exactly what suits them, like : this it's fake, don't trust on this acussations. But this president is very especial because he tried to prosecute corruption and he is a clear example of this case because is sending his money to tax heavens. Nothing more about this injustice because always the low and medium class have to pay their taxes but rich or famous people have to avoid it.

Extra Blog 20

I'm going to talk about a series that I'm following since I was 3 years old. His name is One Piece, wich it's a series of cartoons. This series is the longest I've seen in my life, the last chapter will be the 1500 and nowadays the series is on the 800 and this year will be the  twentieth anniversary.While I'm watching this series it's hard to be negative because I'm waiting every sunday for see it. The quality is a bit poor but it's acceptable because every week we have a new chapter. This series has inspired many others.

ExtraBlog 19

the link of the news

This is a good news because I'm interested in buy one of this things. But it's very expensive because one of them costs 800 euros without shipping. Now if they cost 500 euros maybe I could buy one when I work on summer, because virtual reality is something new and cool. I can't imagine how can I feel playing a videogame inside the game, it can be good ( for example shooters or other games) but it will be useless for games in third person. The problem of Oculus Rift is going to be the hardware because computers have to process the double of particles in screen and it needs a good computer.

Human Rights

Human rights are inherent to all human beings, whatever our nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, language, or any other status. We are all equally entitled to our human rights without discrimination. These rights are all interrealated, interdependent and indivisible. Human Rights were created in 1948, to make a document of international human rights law. After the world wars. There are thirty. I'm not familiar with article #13, Freedom to move. This human rights are not respected everywere, an example of it are the refugees, they can't live in Europe because there are rejected. An example of repecte of this article is in Spain, we live in a country without discrimination to people who comes from another country and stays to live hear.

entitled : tenir dret a

dimecres, 6 d’abril del 2016

ExtraBlog 18

the link of the news

This news is the typical example of do something without know the consequencies I mean if this guy would have known where he was getting into he  hadn't lived an experience like this. But we can see how the horror of the war affects everyone and this guy was horrified when his group killed 70 persons. The worst of the issue is the death of this innocent people of course, but it stills bad,  the manipulation of this military groups, because they are recruiting young people to suicide and make fame by terror and deaths, that's how this organizations works.

ExtraBlog 17

I'll talk about : "Bearn o la sala de les nines". The plot of this book is about the decline of a lord, this person becomes poor because he don't worries about his money. This novel is interesting in one point, we see the story through Joan ( the person who becomes priest, the lord adopted him). Personally I don't like this book because the story goes too slow and it's dificult to read because it has been written in majorcan catalan and sometimes you have to stop the reading and read it again because you don't understand what's happening.

ExtraBlog 16

Today I'm doing this post before going to train so I can't say a lot about this day. I just read 100 pages of: "Bearn o la sala de les nines" and next post will be a review about this book. After training I stayed with my friends for play at the computer at half past nine. Before going to sleep I will start studying recovery of mathematics, second term because I can recover this subject I just have to study. Today I did cutclass but not conscientiously because I hadn't prepared the alarm clock so I fault the first three hours.

dimarts, 5 d’abril del 2016

Extra blog 15

the link of the news

Well, always happens the same: the poor is going to pay his taxes forever and the rich is going to diregard them because is going to send his money to a tax haven. I think the government should take their money and make more infrasctutures for poor people and stop watching to other site. I don't know how you can be millionare and think how can avoid taxes. Some people is living on the street and others are hiding their money, there are no words for this inequality, on this list there are a lot of famous and we'll see who are there and if they will be punised.

Extra blog 14

I'm going to talk about Bloodborne, an exclusive videogame of playstation 4.  This games is one of my favourites because it breakes with the conventionality, this game it's difficult for a reason. While you are playing this videogame you are inside because you must be focus on what are you doing. The setting is incredible, the landscape design is sublime, for me and a huge community of people is th best game of 2015, well deserved. But it's too short ( aproximately 20 hours) for this type of game. This game won a lot of awards but the most important is compositor award, this soundtrack is amazing.

ExtraBlog 13

Today I have espent the time reading :"Bearn o la sala de les nines". I just had read 150 and I have to read 335 and it's an exhaustive book. It's better than Tirant lo blanc but it stills too bored.
 Afterall I went to train Muay Thai 2 hours. After the dinner I'm going to see The last chapter of The walking dead. I'm very hypped for this chapter because it's the beggining of the story of baddest character. When this chapter end I'm going to read again Bearn. I don't have more things to explain today because it's the typic day whernyou can't break the routine.

dilluns, 4 d’abril del 2016

Extra blog 12

the link of the news

This is a good news because I'm interested in buy one of this things. But it's very expensive because one of them costs 800 euros without shipping. Now if they cost 500 euros maybe I could buy one when I work on summer, because virtual reality is something new and cool. I can't imagine how can I feel playing a videogame inside the game, it can be good ( for example shooters or other games) but it will be useless for games in third person. The problem of Oculus Rift is going to be the hardware because computers have to process the double of particles in screen and it needs a good computer.

Extra blog 11

I will talk about World of Warcraft videogame. It's a MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing) and costs 12 euros every month. It's worth now in 2016? Yes of course if you played a few years ago you can't stop playing this game because it's very adictive. This game consists of making missions and dungeons to be maximum level and fight against other players. This game has the best service created ever, when you have a problem they solute it in 10 minutes and now there are actives more than 6 milions subscriptions. This game is the most open because you can do everything you want, and has a lot of secrets.

Extra blog 10

Today I had a busy day because I'm reading "Bearn o la sala de les nines" and I hated it. The language is in catalan majorcan and it's a bit different from normal catalan. The story is bored so I have to put on a few hours to read it. At 19 oclock I'll go to Fortia for train box and spartan circuit. At half past nine I meet with my friends for play a computer game. Before going to sleep I will read 50 pages of catalan book. Clases were funny because we had 2 hour of guard and we enjoyed it, but we have homeworks.

diumenge, 3 d’abril del 2016

Extra blog 9

the link of the news

I'm agree with the author of this news. What we see in a videogame it's not what we have to do ( I talked about this on another extra vlog but I'm going to explain it better) the arguments of this author are very complete, we have to be responsible about what we show to young people, but now with virtual reality it's going to be more difficult because shooters are going to be more realistic and if a kid or a person who has mental problems it can be a problem, it won't be the first time that happens, our society had a lot of problems related with videogames.

Extra blog 8

I saw Batman vs Superman and was very disappointing because on the trailer was a good movie but at cinema it was bored. First of all they start fighting and on the middle of the movie there are friends. The worst of the movie was Batman. Batman doesn't kill people and in this movie he kill people just for attract Superman. The paper of Batman was for Ben Affleck and this actor is horrible. In my opinion this movie needs more fights and less plot because the plot is useless. This movie is just for make money.

Extra blog 7

Today I expend my freeday resting and reading the english book because tomorrow is the exam. I wake up very late and I start reading it. Today was a dull day for explain in this extravlog but I'll try to summaraize it fast. I played the computer with my friends like yesterday and I practiced muay thai today, I run a few km and I practiced paos boxing with my brother because he started 5 weeks ago. Today I went to the cinema for see Batman vs Superman. at 8 oclock and I'm not very satisfied with the result, but I talk about it on my extra vlog 8.

dissabte, 2 d’abril del 2016

Extra blog 6

Now I'm going to talk about the Grand theft auto V. It's one of my favourite games because you can do everything what you want. I think it's not violent because when you play a game you know that's not real and you don't have to confuse that, when someone does something  ilegal in real life related to a videogame it's because this person has a problem. But of course it's a problem of fathers who let their childrens play games without show them that's not real and they don't have to imite that behaivor. This games are just created to play and have a funny time.

Extra blog 5

The link of the news

I will talk about the news related to Apple, the story of Ronald Wayne. It's very sad because this man had lost a lot of millions selling his apple actions for a misery. He could be a multimillionare now. If I be in this conditions I don't know how to smile again,. But sometimes this misfortunes happens, for example the Beatles manager suicided when he abandonment the group. You must be very unlucky for this because if a year later he sell his actions he won a lot of millions. I think this is a moral, don't leave interesting projects.

Extra blog 4

Today I want to train on Empuriabrava street workout park with a friend but the wather changed at 12, so I decided to go and train. I trained under the rain and was so cool because I was motivated. My favourite time to train is when anyone wants to do it because it's a motivation for me. When I arribe at home 3 hours later I started to play with my friends on my computer. At the time launch I ate on the garage with my fathers because they organaized a party with their friends. I ate very well, they did a paella.

divendres, 1 d’abril del 2016

Extra blog 3

I will talk about the Uncharted franchise. This three videogames tell the story of Nathan Drake ( the descendant of Francis Drake, the famous england pirate) and he finds the remnants of the past like Marco Polo's crossings and is very interesting because while you are playing you are not bored, Naughty Dog ( the creator company) makes very good games and it's not an exception Uncharted, you have parkour and intensive shootings, and always when a new videogame of Uncharted comes always is an innovation in thecnical section. In my conclusion is worth buy it, the only problem is the duration, just a few hours but there are incredible.

Extra blog 2

the link of the news

Electric cars now are available for a big part of population. It stills being expensive but How much will continue increasing the gasoline? It's something what we sometimes we ask for ourselves. But now we have the oportunity to obtain an electric car and for my opinion is cool. This car will make 346 km before replenish the deposit, it's not a large distance but it's acceptable for someone who will use it for go to work. In my opinion we should start to trust on this new oportunities because they are going to be the future, of course now are just a beta of the final solution.

Extra blog 1

My objective is going to be make 3 extra blogs every day for have a good mark on the third term. This blogs will consists of making 1 about my day, 1 commenting a news and 1 talking about a movie or a videogame. I'll try to have a 9 or a 10.

Today I did to the school and was bored like always but I missed an hour because I went to the doctor. When I arribe at home I started playing my favourite franchise of videogames, Uncharted, because Uncharted 4 will be available on 12 of May. At 7 I went to the gym and I trained 2 hours, 1 spartan circuit ( very exhausted but with very good results) and Box practice. Afterall I played again videogames but before going to sleep I continue reading Game of Thrones.