diumenge, 8 de maig del 2016

Lake Baotou

The link of the news 

This news is very interesting because the article explains the lake Baotou, Mongolia. Talking clear, the waste of the first world goes to this place, our technology is going to this contaminated lake composed of sulphur and other toxic substances. The ecologists will work for stop this catastrophe.

Cerium is a material used for many products, the screens of telephons are composed of this material and we unknow how pollutant is, of course this product goes to this place and it can't be healthy breathe this product.

This place is an authentic risk for health and environment, I hate when a country accept this, I know is our guilt because we buy this products and we wash our hands after use it. It's very sad see a lake in this conditions.

environment; (medi ambient). 
guilt: (culpa) 
scarcity: (escàs) 

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