divendres, 6 de maig del 2016

Review of South Park

I'm going to talk about South Park, I think it's one of the best series.

South Park is the name of the village where the protagonists live. It's a cartoon series, but for adults, because they are very inapropiated. The main characters are: Stan, Kyle, Cartman and Kenny. They are very funny, but my favourite character is Cartman is the craziest in the serie. I remember on summer when I went to sleep after South Park, at 4 am, normaly I'm not very fanatic but I really enjoy the time with this series. It's not a series for kids because they are a lot of inappropriate things, it's the special of this series they make you laugh the 21 minutes of the chapter. A few people thinks it's an overrated series but in my opinion it's not because there are cartoons for adults and they humor is just for them. I saw the 24 seasons two times and I still watching it sometimes.

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