divendres, 6 de maig del 2016

Bold bears give them all a bad reputation

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In this news I will talk about the bold bears, they are slighted, because when a bear kills a man is for defend himself. In the 18th and 19th century the habitat of bears it was reduced. The bears are more hostile because the human activity makes suffer the bears on his habitat. The attacks of humans to bears is increasing in the last years.

I tink the human activity it's to much expensive for the planet, because we are destroying everything with our activities and when we try to solve this problems we get worse. If we continue with this hostility the only place where we can find bears will be in zoo. An example are the furtive hunters which are destroying everything just for obtain an expensive material.

slighted (menysprear)

tarnishing (usurpar)

biased (perjudicat)

offspring (cries)

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