dijous, 12 de maig del 2016

1ST POST. My english progress from 2013-2016

The link to the first post

The link to the newest post

I can see a some differences of course I improved a lot but the best improvement is in the speed while I'm writing. Some time ago I expend more than 25 minutes to do a post but now I do a better job in half time. I think the key to improve my level of english is watch movies and series in english because you understand a lot of new words which they will be usefull


 the link to the  first oral presentation

the link to the newest oral presentation

I see some differences for example, the subject faults sometimes because a few months ago I have been doing this fail too but on an exam I understood this fail. I remember the first presentation was poor because I did it without knowing how to do it and the last presentation was poor too but because on the presentation of research paper they said me this presentation don't needs photos but in english I think maybe it could be good.

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