dissabte, 7 de maig del 2016

Wolves make great foster parents

The link of the news 

I chose this news because it's very interesting, the author explains the definition of wolf and he considers it's not really explained, because we have two definitions. On the first hand the wolf is considered an agressive animal who destroy and kill. On the second  hand the wolf is defended because they explain the virtues, an example of their virtues are: the incredible instinct of survive in group, the loyal, the strenght of this animals, their stateliness...

I'm keen on this article because the wolf is my favourite animal and I want to learn more about this animal. I learnt about the habits and the actual number of wolves in Europe. It's my favourite animal because they work in group for survive and they are very loyal to his mates.

Flagships ( Insignia)
biting ( cruel)
livestock ( el bestiar)
drooling ( bavejar)

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