divendres, 19 de desembre del 2014

Technology is becoming "less intrusive"

The link of the news

Samsung offers a new gadget. The new gadget consists in a
watch. This watch is inteligent, it's not a corrient watch. This watch is connected with your phone bye blue bluetooth. You can communicate with yours contatcs.

I think is a good idea, it's more comfortable, becaues you have your phone in the wrist. I think this gadget it's not intrusive, it's the opposite of Overwhelm, it's useful for Glance. I think the watch is more Refined than the phone.

Intrusive: Entrometit
Overwhelm: Agobiant
Glance: Fer una ullada
Refined: Refinat
Wirsts: Canell

divendres, 12 de desembre del 2014

The Fashion Style Test

I think it's original this test but in some thing it's wrong. The last year I was insecurity but now I'm not insecure, beca use I learnt something and it's a simple thing but when I didn't understand it I was insecure. The thing is doesn't matter what the people think about you, only matter what your family say about you. I think this society it's very idiot, because if you are not fashion or thin you are a completely s**t. I can't believe, a big part of the society insult the diferent persons, they are diferent only physically, but they are the same persons.


I do this blog in Christmas, I will talk about Christmas and the unreasonably of this event. The majority of the world celebrate a event with his family. I think that's a bit stranger, because why in December and no in August, it's a bit strange. I think the familys are not in good relationship. I enjoy the time with my cousins, we only see in Chrsitmas. 
I will talk about the gifts, why buy a gift in Christmas and no in November, maybe it's a trap of the multinationals, why the same product in 30% rebates. I think is a abuse, because they play with the ilusions of the people for sell more.

diumenge, 30 de novembre del 2014

The Struggle to save the Caribbean's huge barrier reef

Did you know The Caribbean's Mesoamerican Reef is the second largest barrier reef in the world? A lot of tourists come to relax in the sea and practice snorkel. This Reef is a protected site, ONU protected this site.

I think this site is perfect for live, if you don't have a lot of money you can live in a paradisiatic site, next to the caribbean costs. It's a natural reserve, you have to respect it, not for the rules, for respect the ecosistem.

Reef: (arrecife)
Raze: ( pastar)
Lobster:( llagosta)
Shelter: (refugi)

divendres, 21 de novembre del 2014

Surreal towns, shaped by nature

Surreal towns, shaped by nature 

Among the cave houses of Guadix, Spain
Did you know there are 9 towns 
with a shaped by nature, it means  there are an incredibles landscapes for live, are simples sites for live but there are amazing. The photographs seek for natural landscapes. Some people in Peru live in entire islands. In stockholm some persons live in a city with a lot of islands and the persones cross the city in rowboats.

Sometimes I'm exhausted living in a town because it's too bored , nothing happens. I will live in a big city, but sometimes I think sometimes is good disconnect from the cities but not for live always.

shaped (en forma de)
seek: (buscar)
entire: (completes)
rowboats: (barca de rems)

The link

The real story of the Little Red Hood

Once upon a time in New York, Big red ridding hood was smoking weed. Suddenly, her phone rang. It was costumer, her grandmother. She wanted some meth. She taked the truck, because she used to drive a car, but the detective wolf caught her with the car.
When she crossed the street, she spelling the wolf. He asked: What is she doing? She answered nothing. After that, she ran away and a pursuit starts. Big red ridding hood jumped off a bridge and the wolf stayed back. Suddenly when she meet the grandmother, the biggest distrbutor in the city. She gave the commision to her. But the wolf was with the SWATS and a gunfire started in the slum. After that, a lot of people were dead and a big explosion killed everyone.
Finally, Little Red Ridding hood past up because she had a nightmare. She was in a mad house. The madhouse anesthetized her because the wood cutter vaped her when the wolf was eating her grnadmother in front of her.

My oral presentation

The last wednesday I presented an oral presentation with Ali. In tjhe presentation we were speaking about the Russefeiring. I saw the presentation and I have a bad pronunciation, I was nervous, but after i thought everyone was nervous.
I saw the power point and was simple and bad organized because the images were too small. I will make a better presentation the next term, I think the russefeiring was a bit hard find information.

I think my mark is 6,9. My pronunciation failed a lot and that's why I think that's the final mark. I think the best part is the content because I said all in the presentation about the russefeiring, all what can I find,.

dijous, 20 de novembre del 2014

My favourite music

I will talk about rock , rock is more than music it's a style of life. A lot of persons listen rock , I am too, I think it's a especial nusic because all the ages like rock, I can't explain all with words. My favourite bands are AC/DC and Avenged Sevenfold. AC/DC is a rock band. Avenged Sevenfold is a heavy band. I went to a concert of AC/DC un Sevilla in 2009 and I think it was one of my best moments of my life. I like electro music but it's not the same. I will go to another concert of AC/DC soon

diumenge, 9 de novembre del 2014

The comparing of The Best of times between Thirteen.

The differences aren't simples, because they are teenagers and they have problems at home. In the 2 historys the father leave and forget his sons. There are differencies of age, and mentality, because Cha Seeng feel bad when he do bad things but Tracey not. When Cha Seeng see her mother bad he try to help her but Tracey not. Cha Seeng never robbed, but Tracey robbed a pocket. I think it's a bit exaggerated the movie. Tracey was manipulated for her friend and Cha Seeng only 1 time. Tracey cut her veins and Cha Seeng not. Another differencie is Cha Seeng story finish good but Tracy story finish really bad. Tracy is much more rebeld than Chee Seeng

dimarts, 4 de novembre del 2014

My bad day

I had a bad day, and strange day. First I speak with my mother about my lessions, I had 5 lessions. I went to the gym for practice boxing. I started as a normal day, streching and running, my teacher said: "go to the bag and do one and two for 3 minutes". I started and at the minute 1 nothing happens, but suddenly I see the bag of 75 kg falling. The chain hit me and i saw my head with a lot of blood and the floor with a puddle of blood. The teacher took me to the hospital, I was dizzy and losing blood, I did to emergency and i found my father, he was waiting me at hospital, I have 1 point in the head and some scratches in the head, but the chain hit me very strong and I don't know why the chain fell.

dimarts, 28 d’octubre del 2014

Breaking bad

I liked this serie because talk about life, drugs, trying to surive and problems of family. My favourite character is Jessie Pinkman, before meet Walther White he was a drogadict, but finally he becomes brilliant solving problems. It's my favourite serie excluiding Game of Thrones. I don't wanna do spoiler, but it's amazing, especially in season  4 and 5. Because the plot becomes very incredible.

My reflexion is all we can become bad if the life want to do it. If we start the wrong way we can't go back. I learned something and it's you can't think what it's not true, because a lot of characters have bad secrets.

diumenge, 19 d’octubre del 2014

Bike is very important in my life

I ride my bike with my father and his friends on saturdays. I wake up at 8 oclock for dress up, then I go to Figueres and we meet with my father friends. We do fifty kilometers aproximately. I enjoy so much this time because it's a time for relax and be happy. This is very important because I can enjoy a nice free time, it's better than sleep. I discovered a lot of ways and a lot of landscapes. It's not bored because you do exercise. Now it's a fashion cycling and more persons are starting to ride.

divendres, 10 d’octubre del 2014

Rocky IV

Rocky IV

Rocky Balvoa  ( the champion of heavywheight of boxing) recupered his old tittle and his friend Apollo Creed fights against Iván Drago and Apollo died. Rocky was very sad and decides fight against Iván Drago.
They fight in Rusia and Rocky fights against him, the spectators starts hating Rocky but finally the spectators be with him. Rocky win but he finish bad.

I think it's a good movie for talk about the patriotism of USA, there are a lot of elements of patriotism. I think the government of USA paid the movie for break the think of USA is  a bad country, for seems better than it i.

Rebel Song


We've got fun 'n' games                                                      Nosaltres tenim jocs divertits
We got everything you want                                              Nosaltres tenim el que busques
Honey, we know the names                                             Carinyo nosaltres sabem els noms
We are the people that can find                         Nosaltres som les persones que pots buscar
Whatever you may need                                                      Pel que tu necessitis
If you got the money, honey                                               Si tu tens diners, carinyo 
We got your disease                                                    Nosaltres tenim la teva enfermetat


In the jungle                                                                   En la jungla 
Welcome to the jungle                                                  Benvingut a la jungla 
Watch it bring you to your                                              Mira t'ho portem de tu a tu
knees, knees                                                                 Genolls, genolls 
I wanna watch you bleed                                             Et vull veure sagnar 

Welcome to the jungle                                                 Benvingut a la jungla 
We take it day by day                                                 Nosaltres ho portem dia a dia 
If you want it you're gonna bleed                               Si tu ho busques sangraràs
But it's the price you pay                                       Pero es el preu que pagues 
And you're a very sexy girl                                    I tu ets una dona molt maca
That's very hard to please                                  Això és molt difícil de demanar-ho.
You can taste the bright lights                            Tu pots provar les llums brillants 
But you won't get them for free                          Pero no pots tenir-ho gratis
In the jungle                                                      En la jungla 
Welcome to the jungle                                   Benvingut a la jungla
Feel my, my, my serpentine                     Sent la meva,la meva, la meva serp
I, I wanna hear you scream                   Jo, Jo et vull sentir cridar 

Welcome to the jungle                             Benvingut a la jungla 
It gets worse here everyday                     Hi ha una cosa pitjor aqui cada dia    
Ya learn to live like an animal                   He après a viure com un animal
In the jungle where we play                     En la jungla es on juguem
If you got a hunger for what you see          Si tu tens ganes del que veus 
You'll take it eventually                             Ho agafes finalment
You can have anything you want               Tu pots tenir tot el que vulguis
But you better not take it from me            Pero millor que no  m'ho agafis a mi 


And when you're high you never                  I quan tu estàs a dalt mai
Ever want to come down, YEAH!                 busques d'anar abaix, SI                

You know where you are                      Tu saps on estas
You're in the jungle baby                    Tu estas en la jungla carinyo
You're gonna die                                Tu vas a morir 
In the jungle                                       En la jungla

Welcome to the jungle                                  Benvingut a la jungla 
Watch it bring you to your                        Mira t'ho portem de tu a tu
knees, knees                                                      Genolls, genolls 
I wanna watch you bleed                                   Et vull veure sagnar 

Feel my, my, my serpentine                Senta la meva, la meva, la meva serp
In the jungle                                      En la jungla 
Welcome to the jungle                          Benvingut a la jungla 
Watch it bring you to your                             Mira t'ho portem de tu a tu 
knees, knees                                             Genolls, Genolls 
In the jungle                                              En la jungla 
Welcome to the jungle                                Benvingut a la jungla 
Watch it bring you to your                           Mira t'ho portem de tu a tu 
It' gonna bring you down-HA!                      Això et farà anar abaix -HA!

Welcome to the jungle is a rebel song because talk about the drugs, the sexy girls who works for drugs. The song talk about the camels. This song talks about "tabu" topics. It's a reflection about the junky society.  

divendres, 26 de setembre del 2014

Boxing is more than a sport.

I love boxing, I discovered this sport last summer. I understand the values of the sport and I got a better health. I think about the championship and I will give the maximum. I train 2 hours dialy. I practice reflections, power and speed. I fight against adults. The Boxing influenced in my life, I won a lot of respect. It's a very healthy sport because you lose a lot of  fat and you train your hearth. I feel the adrenalin when I'm fighting. When you practice this sport you can't fight in the streets because boxing make you bigger.


Email to the teacher

1st Email:
I did my objective the last year, lose 26 kg doing box 2 hours daily. My objective now is approve baccalaureate. I think it’s excessive the change from 4th of Eso to 1st of Baccalaureate, but it’s not impossible. Before I studied a bit, now I study 4 hours daily for understand all, without count the time of homework. This year I will approve PET. 
My favorite hobby is the sport. I train 2 hours daily. I forgot the computer games and the PlayStation. I expend my free time with friends going to the cinema or other places. 

2nd Email:


Hi,  My name is Javier Garcia Diaz I'm 16 years old.I did my objective the last year, lose 26 kg doing box 2 hours daily. My objective now is approve batxillerat. My favorite hobby is the sport. I train 2 hours daily. I forgot the computer games and the PlayStation. I spend my free time with friends going to the cinema or other places. I will be a scientist, but i'm not sure about what field. I like Science Fiction movies and  the Scary movies too. 

My objective: 

I think it’s excessive the change from 4th of Eso to 1st of batxillerat, but it’s not impossible. Before I studied a bit, now I study 4 hours daily for understand all, without count the time of homework. This year I will pass
PET. My objective is pass batxillerat with good notes, I need good notes for study at university. I will be a better student this year. 

My summer: 

I had a relaxing summer, but I saw movies and series in English. Sometimes I went to the beach with my friends. I stayed 2 weeks in Andalucia with my cousins.    

divendres, 6 de juny del 2014

The summer

Summer is my favourite station. I think the summer is the best because you don't do anything un 3 months. I only help my mother and clean the garden. In August I través to Andalucía for stay 1 month un my house of summer. I enjoy the summer with my friends and my famly

bye bye ESO

When I started the first day I was bored. I didn't like the highschool and now neither.  I was a kid when I start the highschool and now at the end I finish be 50% man 50% kid. I'm very happy because  i will finish the ESO and  start the pre university. But now I want to finish NOW. I think the highschool is a bad stage because there are allways problems. The best moment was when I meet Isaac, my best friend.  

dijous, 5 de juny del 2014

the boxing

The boxing

The sport is very importante for me because I lose a lot of weight. Today I will speak about the boxing. It's an art and if you know a lot you have a good protection and a good health. The most important thing is the resistance. Because the resistance make a lot strenght  and at the end is the difference. I practice boxing 3 times at week and in Summer I will do 5 days. I had a lot of pain in my arms because when you hit the boxing bag you can break your knuckles or your doll.

divendres, 23 de maig del 2014

Mind Map

Create your own mind maps at MindMeister

divendres, 16 de maig del 2014

My training

In my free time, I go  to the gym and I have training 2 hours a day.I train all the muscles a week. I like the gimnastic because I lose 13 kg in 2 months. I get healthy and I feel more thin and that's make me feel good.
When i go to the gym I expend the time for relax and train. At the end I drink a relaxing cup of coffe at 6 oclock. I go with myfriends. I forget my problems when I stay at gym. I will do boxing more later at summer.

divendres, 11 d’abril del 2014

A striking image+-

New York

Image adress: http://www.mytripolog.com/2011/06/best-of-new-york-where-to-visit/

This photo is from New York. In this photo I can see a lot of skycrapers. The picture shows  a city iluminated. It's an interesting image because it captures the essence  from New York. New York is a wonderful city. The most amazing of this image is the idea: "we are small in the universe". The lighting is incredible, I will see the center of New York. New York is one of the best city of the world. This city have a motto when you come you don't forget any second. In the photo you can see on the left the river Hudson. And more on the left you can see the district of Queens. On the right you can see the district of Jersey City. At the middle of the image you can see the Empire State Building. On the left you can see the New York Times. The photo was taken from a high skycraper.

divendres, 28 de març del 2014

News:Transport police officer.

This surveillance footage shows a transit police officer in Philadelphia being attacked.
An unidentified man was removed from a train after threatening to shoot passengers.
Transport police officer - level 3Because of the man’s strange behaviour, transit police officer Ronald Jones confronted him, but he then pushed Jones to the ground, throwing punches and kicks.
The attacker was eventually restrained on the ground with help from some passers-by.
According to witnesses, the subject managed to get away from police and returned to the train, trying to grab a child, but was unable to do so.
More officers were then called to the scene and the subject was taken into custody. Officer Jones was unhurt by the confrontation.
Difficult words: surveillance (security), eventually (in the end), restrain (make stop moving), custody (prison).

Surveillance =  Seguretat, també és de vigilancia, perquè en el context vol dir "El video de vigilancia".

Eventually  = Finalment

Restrain = Detingut

Custody = La custodia, és a dir el càstig.

Witnesses= Testimonis

-What? A man threatened  shoot passengers on a train

-Who? a Threatened man.

-Where?  At Philadelphia.

-When? At 27-03-2014 07:00 

-How? With a gun. He pay the custody now.

In my opinion there are a lot of mad persons and this person was a mad. He tryed to grab a kid. In my opinion the man was a mad person who don't know the meaning of justice.


Tourist Interview Barcelona

-Where are you from?
-is it the first time that you are in Spanish?
-How did you come here? By plane, ship or train?
-Why are you in Barcelona?
-How long are you going to stay here?
-Are you travelling with familiy or friends?
-Whate have you visited up to now?
-Have you bought any presents?
-How do you get arrouned in the city, by underground, car,bus or on foot.
-Are you travelling with family or friends?
-What have you visited up to now?
-Have you bought any presents?
-How do you get around in the city, by underground, car, bus or on foot?
-Do you know any words in Catalan or Spanish?
-Have you tried any typical Spanish or Catalan food?
-Do you think Barcelona is expensive?
-Do you see any differences from you country?
-Is there anything you don't like?
-Would you recommended Barcelona to your family or friends?
-Will you come back again?

divendres, 28 de febrer del 2014

The cinema

What is the cinema ?? By someone is a hooby, for others is a profession. But for me? I think I will be a Director. My dream is become a famous Director. When I see a famous director I will

Eminem - Love The Way You Lie

Eminem - Love The Way You Lie

-Just gonna stand there             
And watch me burn
But that's alrigtht because
I like the way it hurts

- Just gonna stand there
and hear me cry But
that's alright Because 
I love The way you lie
I love The way you lie
I love The way you lie

-I can't tell you what it really is 
I can only tell you what it feels like
And right now there's a steel knife
In my windpie I can't breathe
But i still fight While I can fight
As long as the wrong feels right
It's like i'm in flight 

-High of a love Drunk 
from the hate It's like i'm huffing
paint And i love it the more that I suffer
I sufficate And right before i'm about drown
She resucitatesme She fucking hates me and
I love it Wait.

-Where you going I'm leaving you 
No you ain't  come bake we're running
right back Here we go again it is so insane.

-Cause when it's going  good It's 
going great i'm superman With the wind
in his bag She is Lois lane But when it's bad
it's awful I feel so ashamed.

-I snap Who's that dude I
don't even know his name
I laid hands on her I'll never stoop
so low again I guess I don't know my
own strength.

-Just gonna stand there             
And watch me burn
But that's alrigtht because
I like the way it hurts

-Just gonna stand there             
And watch me burn
But that's alrigtht because
I like the way it hurts

I love The way you lie
I love The way you lie
I love The way you lie

-You ever love  

divendres, 21 de febrer del 2014

"There's something about mary"

 The title is "There's something about mary". It came out in 1998. The director's are   Bobby Farrelly and Peter Farrelly and  the main actors are: Ben Stiller, Cameron Diaz, Matt Dillon.

The storys is about a man, He loved a Woman. Her name is Mary,who is the main actress. Mary is a nice girl. The boy wants  to marry the  girl and they have a lot of comedy moments for exemple: He caught the testes before leaving with Mary. He threw the dog out of the window because the dog was "spliced". 

I like this movie because it's a comedy movie. The best moments in the film are the scene at home when Ben Stiller visit mary and the dog is furious and the dog finish out of the window.

divendres, 14 de febrer del 2014

When was William Shakespear born?

When was William Shakespear born?


Where was Shakespeare born?

-Stratford upon Avon

How many plays did Shakespeare write?


How many sonnets did Shakespeare write?


What's the name of the Shakespeare theatre in london?

-The Globe Theatre

To be or not to be, that is the question? is from wich play?



divendres, 31 de gener del 2014

Exam writing

His name is John, he is 17 years old, he did learn about personal trainer. He doesn't like, biology and chemistry. He likes the motocross and swiming a pool. His dog is a Husky and sometimes he runs with him. He came from a private school. I was in New York, I visited the central Park, the times Square, the 5th avenue, The empire State building. I made a lot of videos and photos, because was amazing. I stayed with my family and we visited Washington the 3rd day. Nex time we will go to Los Angeles.