dijous, 12 de maig del 2016


I don't have a better or worst post because I can't know if it's better or not. But I think this is good. I think is one of the best posts because I learnt how to write "good "and efficient. I have chosen this because I corrected some mistakes, comparing to other posts. I think it's one of the best because I expent more time comparing to other posts ( On this therm I have expent more time doing the blogspot) and I think it's better.


I 'm going to talk about Call of duty franchise. There are a lot succesful games of this company but I think there are overrated because always are the same game just changing the title. I played the new videogames but there are not special. While I was playing I don't was bored but I prefer playing other games. A few days after I played the old Call of Dutys and they were better on all the aspects not only in amusement, the old games give you a better feeling, now it seems they want to make money at all costs. Yesterday I saw the new Call of Duty and I think it can be interesting but only for one reason. Call of Duty Infinite Warfare will hace Call of Duty Modern Warfare 4 ( in my opinion the best videogame on playstation 3). Why I buy this new videogame if I'm interesed on the remasteritation, simply, because the only way to obtain it is buying the new for 100€.


1ST POST. My english progress from 2013-2016

The link to the first post

The link to the newest post

I can see a some differences of course I improved a lot but the best improvement is in the speed while I'm writing. Some time ago I expend more than 25 minutes to do a post but now I do a better job in half time. I think the key to improve my level of english is watch movies and series in english because you understand a lot of new words which they will be usefull


 the link to the  first oral presentation

the link to the newest oral presentation

I see some differences for example, the subject faults sometimes because a few months ago I have been doing this fail too but on an exam I understood this fail. I remember the first presentation was poor because I did it without knowing how to do it and the last presentation was poor too but because on the presentation of research paper they said me this presentation don't needs photos but in english I think maybe it could be good.

diumenge, 8 de maig del 2016

Lake Baotou

The link of the news 

This news is very interesting because the article explains the lake Baotou, Mongolia. Talking clear, the waste of the first world goes to this place, our technology is going to this contaminated lake composed of sulphur and other toxic substances. The ecologists will work for stop this catastrophe.

Cerium is a material used for many products, the screens of telephons are composed of this material and we unknow how pollutant is, of course this product goes to this place and it can't be healthy breathe this product.

This place is an authentic risk for health and environment, I hate when a country accept this, I know is our guilt because we buy this products and we wash our hands after use it. It's very sad see a lake in this conditions.

environment; (medi ambient). 
guilt: (culpa) 
scarcity: (escàs) 

dissabte, 7 de maig del 2016

Football is overrated

In Spain we only speak about football, it's the most important sport on this country and that's why I want to say my opinion. It's very overrated, because there are a lot of sports and the most important sport in this country is football, the teams on football are the best on the world, but nothing more about other sports. We expend a lot of time speaking about the football match or the football players but we don't promote another sports like baseball, if I want to practice baseball I have to go far, becuase it's not a popular sport in Spain. I respect the tastes of people but I consider it's too much valorated and this don't give options and variety. I never liked it because it's always the same, the objective is very simple (but not simple).

Climate change

the link of the news 

I will talk about the climate change. In this news I observed how scientists talk about the obligation of countries. They talk about factories (the scientits claim the global temperature is increasing)  and the environment and the pathway to follow for resolve climate change. Johan Rockstorm talks about a lower demand of carbon and the alternatives ( solar and wind energy are increasing in our economy).

In my opinion the climate change is a problem because use petrol is very expensive and polluting. The alternatives are increasing but there are too much expensives for everyone and if the government don't help to reduce the demand of petrol and increase the demand of renovable energy we will be on trouble.

parity (igualtat)
pledge (compromís)
summit (cima)
emmiter (senyal elèctrica)

Wolves make great foster parents

The link of the news 

I chose this news because it's very interesting, the author explains the definition of wolf and he considers it's not really explained, because we have two definitions. On the first hand the wolf is considered an agressive animal who destroy and kill. On the second  hand the wolf is defended because they explain the virtues, an example of their virtues are: the incredible instinct of survive in group, the loyal, the strenght of this animals, their stateliness...

I'm keen on this article because the wolf is my favourite animal and I want to learn more about this animal. I learnt about the habits and the actual number of wolves in Europe. It's my favourite animal because they work in group for survive and they are very loyal to his mates.

Flagships ( Insignia)
biting ( cruel)
livestock ( el bestiar)
drooling ( bavejar)

Whether fish have feelings too?

the link of the news

Our fish is cool, but we unknow all the secrets about this animal. Did you know in Asia the goldfish was a topic food? Or you know the Buddhist  collect so much fishes for relax, the goldfish is an invasive species. The goldenfish hadn't live on a bowl before 1500 d.c. The goldfishes are social  because they learnt about the other fishes. The goldfish ate the eggs and larves of the long-toed salamander. The goldfish is used for study the effects of alcohol in brain and body. But a news talks about they feeling but something what is checked is that they forget everything of their lifes after 3 minutes so I think they have feelings but there useless because they will forget it soon.

I like this kind of fishes because there are very common on our society and it's something cool, in special where you have an incredible landscape like the photo.

This modern fish pond is in the city of Suzhou in east China (Credit: Iconotec / Alamy)

Cuddle: (abraç)
Deed: (relaxar-se o escriure)
Spread: (difundirse)

divendres, 6 de maig del 2016

Bold bears give them all a bad reputation

The link of the news 

In this news I will talk about the bold bears, they are slighted, because when a bear kills a man is for defend himself. In the 18th and 19th century the habitat of bears it was reduced. The bears are more hostile because the human activity makes suffer the bears on his habitat. The attacks of humans to bears is increasing in the last years.

I tink the human activity it's to much expensive for the planet, because we are destroying everything with our activities and when we try to solve this problems we get worse. If we continue with this hostility the only place where we can find bears will be in zoo. An example are the furtive hunters which are destroying everything just for obtain an expensive material.

slighted (menysprear)

tarnishing (usurpar)

biased (perjudicat)

offspring (cries)

Review of South Park

I'm going to talk about South Park, I think it's one of the best series.

South Park is the name of the village where the protagonists live. It's a cartoon series, but for adults, because they are very inapropiated. The main characters are: Stan, Kyle, Cartman and Kenny. They are very funny, but my favourite character is Cartman is the craziest in the serie. I remember on summer when I went to sleep after South Park, at 4 am, normaly I'm not very fanatic but I really enjoy the time with this series. It's not a series for kids because they are a lot of inappropriate things, it's the special of this series they make you laugh the 21 minutes of the chapter. A few people thinks it's an overrated series but in my opinion it's not because there are cartoons for adults and they humor is just for them. I saw the 24 seasons two times and I still watching it sometimes.