dijous, 17 de desembre del 2015

Podcast: After the 3rd world war

Scenario: Two men in a hospital called The dump.

Characters: Enstein and Frank.

Frank: Hello can you show me the bodies? There are young and beautiful this year?

Einstein: Now in year two thousand and five houndred is easy to obtain parts of beautiful bodies because there are a lot of losers of the 3rd world war and now are slaves. How much money can you spend?

Frank: I have three thousand Renminbi (when China won the war they ruled the world and his coins become much more expensive).

Einstein: Which pieces do you want? I just had obtained a beautiful body this morning.

Frank: Yes I think it can be useful because with the problems of radiation we have to change our skin after twenty years you know.

Einstein: But we have a problem with the jowl because is radiated so we have to change some parts, because my hunters obtained the guy from the zero zone.

Frank: Don’t worry bloke.

Einstein: Nipping door in a few minutes wait it. So are you sure you want the full monty of this body except the jowl?

Frank: Yes, the reserve of slaves is finishing and I think the current collection is good.

dimarts, 1 de desembre del 2015



I think the use of cosmetics is not necessary because the beauty is not always in our outside. When we superimpose the thought of be beautiful over everything we can think clearly because our wish to be more beautiful can cost our personality. Who sell his personality for beautiful is not independent about what they think about him, I think it's an error try to be better for a pair of surface people. The highschool is an exemple of people tormented for be better for a pair of idiots who bully them, don't try to improve for them try to be better for yourself.


The price of this action is sell his soul for be forever young and beauty, but what he don't know is he tries to be beautiful but at the same time he is rotting his soul. The portrait is reflecting what is in his interior an horror. He paid the authentic price of a killer but I think the end is too much soft for what he did. We must remember how he become in a monster and why. Always is the same wish try to be better superficially and leave behind our kindness and personality.


I will comment the women who goes to the center of plastic surgery for be more beautiful putting bottoxon her eyes. She don't like them because there are too much old and the wedding of her daughter is going to be celebrated next week and she wants to be beautiful. I think the men who violated the daughter of the boss of El Cartel is similar to Dorain Gray because he is hiding his real face.

Sean's son wants a circumcision.

dijous, 26 de novembre del 2015

Black friday

The link of the news 

Black fraiday it's an special day when you can find everything reduced an 80%. A lot of news talks about this day because it reflects the society, we are expending money unnecessarily for buy products with a low price. The capitalism is present on our world and we will spend the maximum of money on unnecesary things.

I will talk about my opinion, it's the perfect day for buy what you need but don't expend more money on what you don't need because this object will be on your attic for a lot of years becaues you don't really need it. Some companies do an scam increasing their prices a 20% a week before black friday and they reduce their prices a 15% before black friday and I think they deserve the ruin for do that.

scam: (timo)
dementia: ( demència)
deprivation: (privació)
burial: (entierro)
grabbed: (agafar)

Mutant Mosquitoes resists malaria

the link of the news 

Scientists designed a new hope for fight Malaria, it's not the final medicine but they thought about reduct the number of mosquitoes for stop the growing. They designed a new mosquitoes created for resist Malaria. It's a way to reduce the number of victims, because half a million of persons die for Malaria every year.

I think it's a great idea because Malaria can be reduced drastically if this mosquitoes invade the mosquitoes with malaria and wipe out him. I think it's a good action of developed countries becaues they are expending money on a research for this problem.

bred: (reproduir-se)
mosquitoes: ( mosquits)
offspring: (fills)
pivotal: (crucial)
promising: (prometedor)

The Security front liberty

When we can say security is more important than liberty? I think it's very subjective this theme that's why I'm going to talk about it. In my case I prefer security than privacity because we are weak against an attack of terrorists. In my opinion the measures of France are totally understandable becaues our liberty is a small price for be safe. In a strict way we are winning liberty becaues we are not arrested to the fear of be attacked. Some civils are manifesting their opinion and they say that's a crime but for example the match of Barça vs Real Madrid, a lot of policemans were around the stadium for protect the civils because if we are frightened to an attack they win.

Slef Avaluation of oral presentation

I think I have to improve my fluency when I'm talking in public. I don't was nervous but it's an oral presentation in english and you can make mistakes, for example I said 16 fps and i had to say 60...
 But I enjoyed making this presentation beause I'm fond of in videogames and it's great find information but the problem is when you have to explain this in public and you don't have an excellent domain of the idiom. What I did well? I think was good in all the aspects but not excellent so I can't say what I did very good. What I did bad? I think I took an interesting theme just for a sector of the class but the other sector who don't play videogames was a bit bored.
In conclusion I must improve explaining the information for make it a bit more interesting.

dijous, 19 de novembre del 2015

Attack on Brussels

the link of the news 

In Brussels the plan alert is on. The autorities thinks they can suffer a terrorism attack. The public places are closed. The terrorists will atack Belgium because there are a lot of soldiers in Siria. They are waiting for an attack and they deployed troops and militar cars on the middle of the street.

I think this measures are totally necessaries for protect the civilians, it's the price of security you must change your liberty. The attack on France changed the mentality of the world because the terrorism of Yihad exists and it must be eradictaed because they are killing persons in name of a god...

suffer (sufrir)
primarily (principalment)
whereabouts (on)
deployed (desplegat)

diumenge, 15 de novembre del 2015

My opinion about art

First of all, I don't know anything about art and how can be too much expensive.

I will talk about the most expensive painting of 2014. This painting has sold for 87 million of dollars. HOW? I can't understand it, how can they pay 87 millions for this. I can't understand paint is difficult but really, why are you paying this money for conceptual art, of course I don't know anything about art but why that money you can live the rest of your live very rich. It's a painting of 1969 and it's composed of 4 colors, that's the only what can I see. It don't represents anything for me, maybe it's because I think art is overrated.

diumenge, 1 de novembre del 2015

YouTube gaming star PewDiePie earned $7m in 2014'

Link of the news:

PewDiePie wins money making videos on youtube for amuse the audience. He won 7 million dollars in 2014. His way to win money consists of earning money  making videos with ads and advertising of videogames companies. The analists says it's not easy live making videos on youtube because only 1% of channels can do it.

I think PewDiePie deserves 40 millions of subscribers because his work is the most labored, you can see his comentaries and his level of edition, but of course depends on your luck too. A lot of people criticidez his life, he wins more money than a firefighter or a doctor and it's true but he had the same oportunities than the rest and he triumphed, everyone starts with 0 subscribers. Of course a Doctor or a firefighter are more important, but we can't reproach his success because it's free entertainment and he is the number one with his effort.

amuse : divertir
labored : treballós
reproach : retreure

dijous, 22 d’octubre del 2015

The kickboxing is the best medicine

What is Kickboxing?

It's a marcial art which consists of improving our health with exercise, this exercise can be performed in many ways, we can train in punching bags, running or doing sparring. Some people think it's a dangerous sport but the choice of fighting is optional. The benefits are very positive for our body because we improve reflexes, muscles, resistence to injuries, we understand a new philosophy. I'm fond of this sport because it's a way to make stress disappear. There are a lot of injuries but most of them are made because we don't warm up correctly. A lot of people uses boxing, muay thai or kickboxing to get confidence with themselves. I learned a bit of humilty when I trained with  strong people.


Is humor necessary?

What is humor? Humor in our society is an easy way to disconnect from problems. Some wise man think laughter is good for our health, because laguther triggers the realease of endorphins ( the body's natural feel-good chemical).

In my opinion, we must change the conception of humor. Some persons don't know the significate of humor and they don't accept all the types of humor and I'm going to explain why humor should be set for the individuals against society. Black humor is a type of humor which consists of telling a joke laughing about a collective and that's acceptable, the limit of humor can't be set for the society it must be the limit of the person who tells the joke, and why I think humor is bad in some situations is because it can be offensive if the collective don't understand the joke.

In conclusion, I think we have to open our minds because we should accept jokes if they don't hide racist ideas. My opinion about hipocritical people who laugh a lot when someone tells a joke of a religion but when it's a joke of their religion they become angry, that's an example of people who must change their mentality.

dijous, 15 d’octubre del 2015

The dangerous art of the ultimate selfie

The link of the news 

The news is about selfies. Some people die trying to do the best selfie, for example the writer explains the case of two girls who died doing a selfie while they pull the ping of a grenade. It's not the only case of death for a selfie, there are a lot of people who do stupid things.

I think you can't bet your life for be cool. Technology sometimes have problems, how can you risk your life for likes or fame... In conclusion when we advance one step we go back three. In conclusion the human stupidity increase beside the techonlogy.

crane :  grua
stunt : escena perillosa
trend: tendència
towards: cap a
issued: problema

Recording a joke INCOMPLERT

A man walks into a a bar, drinks a couple of beers, and prepares to leave. The bartender tells him he owes $8.

"But I already paid you. Don't you remember?" says the customer.

"OK," says the bartender, "if you say you paid, then I suppose you did."

The man goes outside and tells the first person he sees that the bartender can't keep track of whether his customers have paid or not. The second man rushes in, orders a couple beers, and later pulls the same stunt.

The barkeep replies, "OK, if you say you paid, then I suppose you did."

The customer goes outside and tells a friend how to get free drinks. The third man hurries into the bar and begins to drink highballs.

The bartender leans over and says, "You know, a funny thing happened tonight. Two men were drinking beer, neither paid, and both claimed they had. The next guy who tries that stunt is going to get punched in the -- "

The man interrupts, "Don't bother me with your troubles, bartender. Just give me my change and I'll be on my way."

diumenge, 27 de setembre del 2015

Letter to the teacher

Dear Teacher

I thought about Obama's speech and I'm going to talk about my short and long-terms goals. Now I'm focused in overcome this school year. I won't fail giving up myself. Surrender is not an option, because I chooe a difficult track. Now I can't surrender in the middle of the way. I don't know my long-term goals but I'm keen on the haute cuisine.

I will face challenges travelling and studying to understand how the food can be successful. I know the kitchen is very slave but I can't be afraid for work because the chefs who succeed put their best effort.

I will comment the phrase of the speech: " No one's written you destiny for you". I think it is a good sentence because it's inspirational for people who drop out of school and they are thinking on a second chance. In conclusion I think anyone can imporve without an incredible effort because it's difficult to change your habits, but it's not impossible.

dijous, 24 de setembre del 2015

A life lesson from a volunteer firefighter

the link of the news 

The news is about the story of a volunteer firefighter called Mark Bezos. He told his first experience as a firefighter was a footrace against his companion. His companion saved a dog from fire but his mision was exceptional, he must bring back a pair of shoes to the property. The women didn't want to go barefoot on street. The captain ordered him to go for a pair of shoes. He down the stairs with the payload, finally he meditated about this, and he concluded thinking we must do everything possible for makes others happy, because we don't have to wait to be millionare for do it.

I think he is wrong because it's stupid bring into play your life for save a pair of shoes. But on the rest I'm according to Mark Bezos, because he tries to save lifes voluntarily and that's something admirable, no everyone will jeopardize his life for someone. In conclusion the life is more important than material desires.

staff: personal
footrace: carrera, competició
pouring: pluja molt forta
barefoot: descalç
payload: carrega
witness: testimoni

dilluns, 8 de juny del 2015

Looking Back

I  saw my old blogs and I can see an improve. I see an improve on my level of english in skills of reading and writing. I don't improve a lot in pronunciation because I listened old podcast and I don't talk very good english. I think my best work are the news, because I did 8 news this term and I think it's the best way to improve english because you read and write.

The most useful activities are news, because you improve your level very well. I don't find useful yoursays, because you don't learn any new word and you don't correct your fails. I will still doing news. I think we must do more oral presentations maybe 1 for month because I think it's the best way for learn english and other useful information.

divendres, 5 de juny del 2015

Crossrail: The monster tunnelling under London streets

The link of the news

The technology continues impressing us. I choose this news because this engineering work suprised me. This web of tunnels is going to travel arround the city very fast. This mechanism will be the biggest  engineering schemes of the world, the London's public transport project Crossrail. This project begins in May 2012, three years after continues digging out. When they dig out they discovered reamins of people from century 14 th.

I think this project will revolutionize the public transport. I unknow how the engineering workers work painstakingly for realise this wonder, because I imagine this project is very expensive and hard to connect all the points of London.

crowded ( ple de gent)
tangled ( enredar)
tapestry ( tapiz)
sewers ( clavegueres)
painstakingly ( meticulosament)
beneath ( sota de )
breakthrough ( avanç)
digging out(excavar)

Correction of writing

In my opinion the world is a bad place because since we evolved from the other species we become a bad specie. We still watching how poor people die because they stay without eat a couple of days. On the opposite we can see how rich people waste the food.

First, I think the world is dominated by programmed obsolescence because practically everyone on a developed country trhow the old stuff because the neighbour haves better things.

Second, the rich people can make a better soon with genetic enginering , making more differencies between rich and poor.  In conclusion, we have to change our mentality because our planet is going to be a dump on every place. When you see people in poor countries, they live with the garbage. If everyone makes three big actiones to save the planet we could see a clean planet, it's hard but not imposible if everyone tries to reduce the gap between two worlds, rich and poor.

dijous, 4 de juny del 2015

Evaluation of oral presentation

First of all I will talk about my fails. My pronuncation is bad and I readed too much, because when I saw the video I understood my fails easily. I read practically every moment. I need to study more before do a presentation. I think the best was the content because anyone knows about the deep web. I think, I explained well the content with a lot of details and examples.

Do you know how many type of hackers there are?

Do you know Who is Linus Torvalds and his attribution to the free software?
-Tecnic developer of high level. for example Linus Torvalds, is a brilliant scientific who created a free software, an alternative for Windows and Ios. This genius created an operating system for a community without economic interest, today the community investigate in this software for make better the programme. Android (the most important operative system) runs with Linux. Others webs use this server too for run, for example when you connect on Facebook you are redirecting to Linux server.

-Cybercriminals: There are criminals who create malicious programmes and  attack legal webs. Sometimes cybercriminals make atacks for annoy people, for example the famous atack to the celebrities, the cybercriminals attacked their information and they published.
Kim Doctom created Megaupload ( the most famous web for download content). In 19 of January of 2012 the FBI closed this web for copyright infringement. Anonymous group atacked FBI giving personal information of his agents to public acces.

Do you know the most polemic attack of the history?

The most important attack is made by Milworm ( an institution of the most brilliant hackers), they hacked a nuclear central in India in 1998. The governments decided change the security since this event

What are crakers?

-There are a type of Cybercriminals, they steal money from credit cards and they create virus.

When was the word hack born?

-The word of hack born in Massachusets  in 1969 when a group of students started to send innocent jokes to his friends.

Do you know Who is Linus Torvalds and his attribution to the free software?

Famous atacks

Kim Doctom created Megaupload ( the most famous web for download content). In 19 of January of 2012 the FBI closed this web for copyright infringement. Anonymous group atacked FBI giving personal information of his agents to public acces.

-Do you know the worst place on Internet?
Now I have to talk about the worst place on Internet. The deep web born in 1993 when the government created a place to store information. The deep web Is a place where you can find information, in this place we can find a lot of information, more than the superficial web . But why anyone knows this place? Because we can’t log in with a normal searcher. How you can come in this web? You need programmes. I will talk about Tor, is a protector programme, if someone tracks your IP, he can’t know where are you frome, for exemple I’m from Girona, this programme will protect me giving as track another place.

It’s a polemic theme because you can find  whatever you want… It’s very difficult trick someone because this web uses servers .onion not .com, only a brilliant hacker can trick an IP from servers onion. It’s not illegal find information (not everything is bad on this web, for exemple this photo, someone is manifesting his opinions). In the deep web there’s a secret place known as Mariannas web, it’s a place where they are the secrets of governments, future plans of war.

In conclusion, this is a place where we can see the human mentality, in this place we can find the worst of our society. I think it’s a place where we can find a lot of useful information but the majority are ilegal places.

diumenge, 10 de maig del 2015

Your say from Pet exam

1st text:

Hello Rosie

A new mall has opened in Figueres, do you want to come on Saturday at 5 p.m. I want to go there because they will open a cinema and it's going to be free for the innauguration. We will see in front of the parking.

2nd text:

The lost birthday present

Yesterday I didt to Mario's birthday and I went without present because the new videogame for playstation costs 50 $. I went to the entrance  bank but there was a robbery, there was an attempt inside so I decided to leave. Then I went in front of the school on the mall, where they make delicious cakes, but a dog bit my leg and ate the cake. I'm so sorry for come without present, but I will give you a new T-shirt. I can't understand how I came without present because I'm not a selfish.

diumenge, 5 d’abril del 2015

Description of a photo (podcast)

In this photo I see a group of tourists in London, I deduce is London for the buses and the telephone booth. I see the Big Beng at the bottom, on the left I see a block of classical flats. On the right I see classical buildings. On the middle of the photo I see a classic white car. I observe the clothes of the tourists and I suppose is spring. The sky is cloudy. I see the avenue and it's very clean for the amount of people who cross this street, because it's seems it's too much transited.

dimarts, 31 de març del 2015

The lifetime of Earth

I chose this news because it's a scientific article. In this news the scientifics were studying the past because they will predict the lifetime of the Earth. I understood a lot of the past. The earth was a planet compounded by ice and asteroids 250 milions of years ago. The gases were harmful, but surely we live thanks to the change of atmosphere.

The scientits did a nice search, because it's not an easy job. They think the assasin phenomenon of the dinosaurs might was an asteroid who clobbered the crook  of Earth. The knowledge will be the key for predict the future.

clobbered: aplastar
surely: positivament
might: es possible que
harmful: nociu
knowledge: aprenentatge 

divendres, 20 de març del 2015

Tunisia museum News

The link of the news

The 19 of March of 2015 the terrorists did an asault, and the  catastrophe  end with 23 people dead. The rest of the civils they ran to the museum and they survived, but the fright and the laughs was terrible.

I unknow why the terrorism is begining to be popular in this century. I think the terrorism is the biggest problem of our society. The worst is the murder of innocent pepople, because kill tourists is the worst for the country, because now anyone will go to this country. 

involved: Interested in 
gunman: Persona armada
despite: Insult
citizens: Civils
sheltered: Resguardant-se dels tirotejos en aquest sentit. 

Correction of the letter

Street pescadors/1
Castelló d'empuries
13th March 2016

Apple Service
Los Angeles

To whom it may concern. I would like to work in your offices. I bought a Mac and was disappointed because it was a disappointment. Therefore I want to work there to upgrade all your products. First of all, the price is too hight to compete with the others brands. The computer was in bad conditions, not what they promised.

I have the advanced level, the computer degree and the batxillerat. Also, I have created a software and a web page. I'm looking forward to your prompt reply because I would like in your company. Microsoft asked me to work in his company but I prefer Apple. I am available to work in any place. 

Your faithfully,

Ali Garcia 

dissabte, 14 de març del 2015

Floyd Mayweather vs Manu Pacquiao

The link of the news

The most expensive fight in the history of boxing will perform in 2 of May. The fighters are Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao. The current champion Mayweather will defend his title of Champion middleweight. The Challenger is an asiatic challenger, it's the favourite of the viewers. The fighters will collect 250 millions of dollars, it's the biggest quantity of money of the history of boxing.

I think it's an interesting show, because  the fighters are the biggest now. My favourite is Manny Pacquiao because I think Mayweather is a bit conceited, because sometimes he shows his money and it's very sad to see.

Will perform: Es realitzarà
Middleweight: Categoria de 66 a 70kg de pes.
Challenger: Aspirant
Viewers : Espectadors
Collect: Guanyar diners

divendres, 27 de febrer del 2015

Opinion about Contact Sports

I talked about Research paper and I said you can have multiple lesions practicing a sport of contact, but you win a lot of security, strong and health. It's not necessary fight, you can train and know the techniques for defend yourself. I learnt a lot of in this year practicing this sports, but I learnt respect and security, when you train in sports like this you understand a lot about respect and autcontrol. I was a bit nervous before train this sport but now I accept the problems more optimist and more relaxed. It's a bit difficult understand this mentality but it's incredible when you train and you surpass your friends who train with you.

Research paper

I will talk about research paper, I presented a proposal about lesions in sports of contacts, for exemple MMA, muay thai, kick boxing, jiu jitsu,...
I will work a lot in this them, it's my favourite hobbie and I don't have a problem for expend a lot of hours investigating in this sports. I enjoyed a lot practicing this sports, but they make a risk in the healthy, because you can die or have multiple lesions in the brain, or in the legs or in the arms. It's a risk but if you really enjoy practicing this sport you have to assume it.

divendres, 13 de febrer del 2015

Game of thrones

I'm fond of in this book because it's my favourite. I enjoy this story for a lot of motives, but the principal is, the characters are not good or bad, they are misterious and the hide secrets and they are good with some characters and bad with others. I'm keen on this story too because they made a serie and I'm pending for the next season. I think the serie is incredible, because the actors and the ambientation are incredibles. My favourite character is Tyrion Lannister, is a good character and he is a master of lies, he play a nice paper, because he manipulate everyone who wants.

Friend Description

His name is Ali Mazghari, he is studying baccalurate and working in a bar. He is  brown-eyed, and thin, he is pale. He is an introverted person. Ali is fon of plyaing computer games. Alis haves a particular personality, he enjoys killing people. it's a bit cruel. He is a colded hearted specially when he finds strangers. He's not two-faced he is discreet. He hates liars. He's ill sometimes, becaues is diabetic. He is wearing a black pair of jeans and a grey sweeter. He wears a pair of black shoes. he is fatish face.

I think is a good friend. I knew Ali 11 years before. I didn't talk with him after 3rd Eso, we match playing videogames with another friend, then we made friends. I think his best quality is honesty, when he has a problem with you he says it. I think he's generous with his friends but not with strangers.

dissabte, 7 de febrer del 2015

GAP year

I will talk about GAP year, I'm keen on a GAP year because it's a good oportunity for a change, but one year it's a lot of time, maybe for summer it's a good idea, because you don't lose a year. It's not a lost year but better 2 months than 12. My favourite place to go is UK, I can learn a lot, another option can be Germany or USA, because are my favourite places to stay. Sometimes is better an adventure than the routine, because I hate when everything become monotonus. If I go I think I will be more mature.

diumenge, 18 de gener del 2015

Tirant lo Blanc

I will talk about "Tirant lo Blanc". It's a novel written in 1490, for Joanot Martorell. It's a full novel,

because talks about a lot of themes. I'm not fond reading classicals, because are bored. The novel is adapted for students of 1st baccalaureate, and I think it's really slow. But everything is not bad, I'm keen on the realism, because the hero sometimes have scratches. It's not the strongest man in the world or the best in everything, it's an inteligent strategist and a knight, with a code of honor. I think it's a good book, because after 500 years the novel continues being read for a lot of people, but I don't like this novel, for the motives said.

dimarts, 13 de gener del 2015


7. ISTP: Cat

ISTPs are an interesting study in contrasts: they are naturally quiet and analytic, often drawn to the field of engineering or trying to figure out how boxes work. But they are also explorers who can easily become bored with a single routin. ISTPs are often closet daredevils drawn to racing, bungee jumping, or jumping off of high countertops. They are “live and let live” types who are not particularly concerned with rules or regulations and would prefer that others not concern themselves with their behavior either. Some have even remarked that “don’t tread on me” is the perfect ISTP motto.

I think in a part it's true. I hate the routin because I think it's too bored. I'm keen of challenges I think the easy is too bored sometimes and if we want something and we work, the reward is much better. I'm only worried about the opinion of my family and friends, not for the opinion of others. I don't forget who tread me, It's a bit ironic because I'm not keen of gats, I prefer other animals.

dilluns, 5 de gener del 2015

I will travel to Japan

The 1st day of 2015 I went to eat to a restaurant of Sushi and I discovered the Takoyaki ( it's a donut of octopus) my father bought a iron plate for make Takoyaki. He learn the basic sushi and he is learning the Rammen ( the tipic noodles).
I will travel for eat yes, it's strange but I think there are a lot of foot in Asia and it's interesting. In special I will eat blowfish, it's a delicacy in Japan and only the better coocks know how to preapre a plat without venom.